
  • Opublikowano: 18/04/2018

Bionanopark and MUL join forces against plasmocytoma

Bionanopark and Medical University of Lodz cooperate on a project which aims at understanding why some plasmocytoma patients do not respond to pharmacotherapy. On the basis of personalised genetic tests, researchers will attempt to explain why some patients demonstrate, so called primary resistance to medication while others develop the resistance at a later stage of pharmacotherapy. Prof. Tadeusz Robak is the project manager from MUL. The research team includes the doctors from the Haematology Clinic and Department of Experimental Haematology as well as researchers from the Laboratory of  Cytogenetics, Cytometrics and Bone Marrow Cytology at Regional Centre of Oncology and Traumatology in Lodz, where the patients are clinically assessed and bone marrow samples are collected. Then the selected genetic samples go to Personalised Medicine Laboratory and Biotechnology Laboratory at Bionanopark. That part of the research is conducted by Izabela Dróżdż MD, PhD and Prof. Janusz Szemraj MD PhD.

In two years’ time we should  know the research outcomes which are bound to be of great importance for the therapy adjustment to individual needs so as to make the treatment more effective and less invasive.

On 18th April 2018 a press conference was held at Bionanopark. The attendees including  Prof. Tadeusz Robak, Head of MUL Haematology Clinic, Paweł Robak MD, PhD from MUL Department of Experimental Haematology, Prof. Janusz Szemraj MD PhD and Izabela Dróżdż from Personalised Medicine Laboratory of Bionanopark  and Marek Cieślak, Director General of Bionanopark all emphasised how significant the cooperation is for the success of the project as well as for its effective execution.



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