
  • Opublikowano: 04/06/2018

Active seniors: CoActive project launched!

The Info Day of CoActive (CoA) project, coordinated by Medical University of Lodz,  was held at 5th Lodz Senioralia inauguration, on 13th May, 2018.

All the senior participants received comprehensive information on the assumptions of CoActive project and the timetable of the classes and workshops planned within the project framework. Moreover, they had an opportunity to undergo certain examination such as  arterial blood pressure measurement. The students of MUL Nursing Course provided advice on health promotion in seniors. The participants also had a chance to share their opinions on the availability and attractiveness of the events intended for seniors and to voice their needs in specific health care services. The survey conducted by CoActive (CoA) project team was  responded to by a total of 147 participants, 120 females and 27 males aged 55-75 years.

Full program of the meetings and workshops is available here

CoActive (CoA) is an international project funded by EIT Health, carried out in partnership with the City of Lodz, Erasmus University Medical Centre Rotterdam and MADoPA, University of Cologne (UoC).

For further details go to: https://www.eithealth.eu/coactive


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
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