
  • Opublikowano: 06/07/2021


Centre for Medical Education is inviting you to the world largest and most important international conference on biomedical sciences education which is held by International Association for Medical Education AMEE.

The conference will be held online from 27th till 30th of August 2021.

Important links:

All the participants can take part in one of Pre-Conference Workshops choosing from the range of topics described in Conference Programme (page 7-9).

The whole AMEE 2021 Conference and accompanying events are held entirely in English, and the attendance is financed by the Centre for Medical Education Medical University of Lodz Project (POWR.05.03.00-00-0012/15) co-funded by the EU European Social Fund within the framework of the Operational Project Knowledge Education Development.


The number of participants is limited, in case of the number exceeding the availability the order of applications will be decisive.

We invite you to register!


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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