
Business cooperation

The demands which modern economy present for today’s universities are largely determined by the extent of science-business cooperation. In response to such demands, a range of university initiatives are constructing the innovative ecosystem around Medical University of Lodz.

Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer  – founded in order to fully exploit the University potential in terms of the creation and promotion of innovative research schemes as well as the cooperation of research and industry.

Foundation for Medical University of Lodz – successfully promotes didactic process, research development and technology transfer. Its prime objective involves substantial, organisational and financial support of the University functioning and development.

UMED Company –  operates like common spin-offs which are formed in cooperation with universities and colleges with a view to generating additional profit for the founding organ. The activity of UMED Company focuses mainly on the improvement in the University infrastructure management. Moreover, it provides service in the implementation, concept and research as well as development in live sciences.

Business Incubator of Medical University of Lodz –University general unit which promotes the development of local businesses as well as other socioeconomic entities including academic ones. Support for newly formed businesses and entities at their developmental stage is the priority task.

Section for Clinical Research –  provides comprehensive, scientifically-defined planning, coordination and management of single or multi-centre, non-commercial clinical research where MUL is the sponsor.

Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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