
Cooperation with other institutions

Policy of Corporate Social Responsibility at  Medical University of Lodz

„Think global, act local”

Policy of Corporate Social Responsibility at Medical University of Lodz is a management strategy according to which the University voluntarily takes into account welfare, environment and mutual-trust-based relations with various partners, particularly University employees and students.

For MUL, social responsibility means investment in human resources, environmental protection, promotion of human rights and good external relations as well as spreading the news on these activities. All this leads to increased competitive strength, formation of conditions for balanced social and economic development, including welfare and public health.

CSR Policy of MUL is determined by the mission, vision, values and code of good practice applied at MUL.

MUL activities within CRS policy:

  • Investing in the employees development,
  • Constant improvement of already functioning processes,
  • Maintaining top standard of services on the basis of the applicable ethics
  • Engagement in social initiatives for local communities,
  • Corporate volunteering.

We implement elements in line with CSR because we care about:

  • Internal processes improvement and enrichment,
  • Employees and students integration over common values,
  • Increase in social sensitivity and integration over the just social cause,
  • Development of employees skills i.a. interpersonal communication, project/finance management, team work,
  • Increase of the sense of responsibility for work and another person,
  • Improvement of work ambiance, building the sense of work satisfaction.


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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