
  • Opublikowano: 26/08/2019


Global statistical data of 2017 reports that the population of people at the age of 60 and above amounts to 962 million and by 2050 the figure will have risen to nearly 2.1 billion. Dementia afflicts 5-10% of people above 65 years of age, which equaled 46.8 million in 2015. The figures, however, are doubled every 20 years, which means almost 10 million new cases are recorded annually (statistically, one person develops dementia every 3 seconds).

The onset of dementia is manifested by mild cognitive disfunction whose early diagnosis and therapy implementation can inhibit or delay development of dementia as well as the ensuing loss of self-reliance.

INFINITy (INtelligent system to empower Functional Independece of people with mild cogNItive impairmenTs) is a projects  managed by Centre of Innovation and Technology Transfer, the Clinic of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders of Medical University of Lodz as well as oversees partners (Technical University in Madid, Terassa Health Centre (Barcelona)), funded by EIT Health. The project intends to create new IT technology-based system which will enable people with cognitive disorders to retain normal functioning and self-reliance by reinforcing their autonomy in indoor and outdoor life.

The research and management team of the project includes:

  • Jakub Kaźmierski MD PhD, psychatrist, Head of the Clinic of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders of Medical University of Lodz
  • Anna Łucka MD,  postgraduate student of MUL, specialist in training in psychiaty in Central Clinical Hospital in Lodz.
  • Zuzanna Rosa MA,  postgraduate student of MUL, assisstant in  Department of Geriatric Psychiatry of Central Clinical Hospital in Lodz.
  • Agata Wiśniewska MA, senior specialist in International Projects of MUL, Project Manager in charge of the project administration and finance.

MORE ON INFINITY on: http://www.infinityeit.eu/

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