
  • Opublikowano: 29/04/2019

EIT Health POZE – “Old is the New Hype” workshop

During the realisation of the POZE (Pepite oZer e-Lab) programme, the international workshop titled “Old is the New Hype” has been successfully organised on 18th April 2019. The workshop consisted of an on-line meeting dedicated to defining the needs of senior citizens and designing new products/services for them. It was moderated by Marie Prevost from the Université Grenoble Alpes and 16 students took part in it (from Grenoble, Barcelona, Uppsala and Łódź).

The most innovative element of this workshop was the whole technical formula organised by the Medical University of Łódź (Department of Acceleration Projects, Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer). The workshop was organised using Zoom platform and during it, students from different countries have been mixed in 4 virtual rooms in order to assure the international team work and point of view. The results of group work were then presented in front of all workshop participants.


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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