
  • Opublikowano: 09/12/2018

EIT Health Summit 2018: the largest conference on health and medicine of the future was held in Medical University of Lodz

On 4-5 December 2018 the Medical University of Lodz became the European Centre of discussion on innovations in medicine and health care. The Clinical and Didactic Centre of MUL hosted nearly 500 participants including the representatives of Europpean Commission, technological companies and universities. The Summit was accompanied by the final of  European Health Catapult, a prestigious competition in which European start-up competed for the prozes of the total value of €135 000.

The conference was opened by Prof. Radziasław Kordek, the Rector of Medical University of Lodz and Prof. Lucyna Woźniak, Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, EIT Health Innostars. The opening speeches were given by Marcin Czech, Deputy Minister of Health, and Gilles Marrache, Vice-President of the Board of Amgen Europe. Among other remarkable guests, the group of panellists included Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission, William Charnetski, Canadian Health Innovation Leader and Nitan Pathak,  Investment Manager, European Investment Fund.

The role of artificial intelligence in medicine and health care, Big Data analysis for the health care system and funds for innovation medical projects are only several of the issues raised and discussed during the two-day conference. EIT Health Summit 2018 was mainly organised by EIT Health Consortium, one of the world top organisations of health and innovations backed by European Commission and European Institute if Innovation and Technology (EIT).

As part of the cooperation with EIT Health, Medical University of Lodz is, i.a. a partner of CLOSE, the international project which includes researchers working together on ‘artificial pancreas’ for adult patients suffering from Diabetes type 2 and other comorbidities, and on communication and information platform to monitor diabetes care.

‘Following the assumptions of the Knowledge Triangle, the research projects conducted at our University are further continued as new, integrated educational programmes as well as business cooperation. MUL is actively engaged in the search for and the development of new cooperation models with outside subjects by e.g. designing and testing solutions which may be applied in medicine, pharmacy or health care system’, says Prof. Lucyna Woźniak, MUL Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations.

The Medical University of Lodz is currently conducting 28 project within structural funds of a total worth of € 40 mln, 112 scientific grants worth € 14 mln, 16 international projects  (H2020, COST, Third EU Health Programme, EIT Health) and 29 large-scale infrastructural programmes worth a total of € 155 mln. Medical University of Lodz is one of four Polish EIT Health Partners and one out of all 146 European partners.


About EIT Health

EIT Health – an organisation backed by European Commission and European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), one of the largest health innitiatives in the world. EIT Health includes 146 leading partners: representatives of medical and pharmaceutical companies, medical universities, and research and development cetres. The organisation’s aim is to increase and support innovations in medicine and to improve the quality of life for the citizens of the partner countries. With the budget of € 2 mld, next decade the organisation will be investing in the outstanding European talents by supporting the implementation of intelligent solutions in health care and by responding to demographic challenges, the ageing societies in particular.

EIT Health InnoStars – one of seven EIT Health geographical regions qualified by European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) to the group of countries regarded as more progressive in innovation development i.e. Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Portugal, Italy and Wales. InnoStars includes 24 partners, such as GE Healthcare, Celon Pharma S.A., Comarch, Medical University of Lodz, University of Coimbra, University of Lisbon, Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), Glintt and many others.



Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
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