
  • Opublikowano: 01/12/2017

European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research at the Clinic of Otolaryngology, Laryngological Oncology, Audiology and Phoniatrics

Marzena Mielczarek MD (the Clinic of Otolaryngology, Laryngological Oncology, Audiology and Phoniatrics) was the organiser of the first training within the framework of elite ESIT project – European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research which brings together the researchers from top European centers analysing tinnitus.

The first training session was held in Warsaw and lasted a week from 20 till 24 November 2017. The School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research attracted 15 most promising early-stage researchers from all over the world. As part of their PhD studies they will be carrying out unique research schemes under the watchful eye of eminent supervisors. The project won the grant from the prestigious Innovative Training Networks (ITN) H2020-MSCA.

The training school in Warsaw concentrated on theoretical and “state-of-the art” issues on tinnitus. The group of lecturers included: Prof. D. Hall (Nottingham),  Dr. W. Schlee, (Regansburg), Prof. Antonio Lopez Escamez (Granada), Prof. Arnaud Norena (Marseilles), Prof. S. Gallus (Milan), R. Cima (Maastricht) PhD, Dr Giriraj Singh Shekhawat (Auckland) and M. Mielczarek MD from Lodz). One of the training days was devoted to the development of the collaboration network of ESIT PhD students and the centers they represented. Poland was represented by the Clinic of Otolaryngology, Laryngological Oncology, Audiology and Phoniatrics which cooperates with Aix-Marseille University on the optimisation of extra-cochlear electrical stimulations in tinnitus treatment.


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