
  • Opublikowano: 24/06/2016

The first representatives of the Medical University of Lodz in the Aichi Medical University in Nagoya

We are pleased to announce that four students of our University:
Bartłomiej Posmyk
Piotr Rościszowski
Wojciech Kuczyński
Andrzej Rościszowski

who participated in the competition on academic performance, achievements and involvement in the life of the University, were awarded the nomination to do internship / clinical training in the Archi Medical University in Nagoja, Japan, with whom, this year, the Medical University of Lodz has signed an agreement on cooperation and student exchange.

On 22 June, 2016, Mr Satoru Takahashi, the representative of the Japanese Embassy and Counsellor, Deputy Chief of Mission, officially awarded nominations in the Rector’s Office.

In March and April 2017, four students from the Archi Medical University will visit our University, and in summer, the next trip to Japan will be organized for our University students.

The authorities of the Medical University of Lodz heartily congratulate our first representatives at the Japanese Medical University and wish them further success.


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
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