
  • Opublikowano: 12/10/2022


For the third time so far, The Medical University of Lodz has been included in the list of 65 European regions and organisations which were awarded Reference Site status (AHA Reference Site) in active and healthy lifestyle and ageing. The activities of the university and its partners were awarded 4 stars, the top rank possible. All the awarded organisations were recognised for their comprehensive and strategic solutions pertaining to the issues of ageing society and for providing high-quality health and care services.

We are the only reference site in Poland as well as being the only site in Central-East Europe to have been awarded the top 4 stars.  Our university has been appreciated for our comprehensive approach to healthy lifestyle and active ageing not only in research and innovations but also in our educational and social activities, underlines Prof. Lucyna Woźniak, Vice Rector for Research Strategy and International Relations.

The official ceremony of awarding AHA Reference Site 2022 status was held in Brussels on 10 October 2022. MUL was represented by Prof. Joanna Kostka (Department of Gerontology) and Agata Wiśniewska (Projects Team).

Medical University of Lodz has always treated active and healthy ageing in a comprehensive and interdisciplinary way. The last two years saw the development of regional collaboration with Poddębice and Opoczno region among others. Currently, MUL is engaged in the implementation of 46 projects and initiatives intended for 50+ age group (e.g., Silver Starters, Healthy Loneliness) or supporting intergenerational integration (e.g., UMED Edukuje).

Department of Gerontology, with Prof. Tomasz Kostka as the head, is implementing VIGOUR research project (Project to develop evidence-based guidance for scaling-up integrated care in Europe) co-funded by Health Programme EU within Horizon 2020 programme.

EIP on AHA (The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing) European Commission’s initiative that involves its collaboration with countries, regions, industry, social and health care providers and organisations which represent the elderly and patients. Such partnership aims to foster innovation use of digital to improve the health status and lifestyle of elderly people and to enhance their involvement in social life.

More information and a full list of Reference Sites is available here: http://rscn.eu/events-and-news/news/4th-call-aha-reference-site-star-accreditation/


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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