New Charter for Researchers
The essence of the European HR policy “HR Strategy for Researchers” is based on the principles of the “European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers,” which have been in effect so far. Starting from January 2024, the Charter and Code will be replaced by an updated document titled “European Charter for Researchers,” the content of which has been adapted to the current challenges, the evolving scientific environment, and academic careers.
The new Charter for Researchers is an annex to the EU Council recommendations of December 18,2023 regarding European frameworks aimed at attracting and retaining talent in the fields of scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe – Annex II, from page 18.
More: HR Excellence in Research award
More information about the new EU Council recommendations:
- Council reaches political agreement on how to keep, attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial talents in Europe – Consilium (
- The European framework for research careers and the new Charter for Researchers are now a reality | EURAXESS (
- Zalecenie Rady EU i nowa Karta Naukowca wzmocnią Europejską Przestrzeń Badawczą – NAWA
European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers are one of the most important documents in European policy aimed at improvement of working conditions and career development for researchers in Europe. Employers, research & development institutions and research funding organisations active both in the public and private sector which implement the principles of the Charter and Code are recognised by the European Commission with the “HR Excellence in Research Award”.
The documents were issued in 2005 as a recommendation of the European Commission addressed to scientists, employers and research funding entities active in the public and private sectors.
- The European Charter for Researchers describes rights and duties which should be respected by scientists, employers and research funding organisations
- The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers describes recruitment procedures that employing institutions should implement in order to assure equal treatment and favourable working conditions for all scientists in Europe.
The adoption of the Charter & Code rules is voluntary which means that institutions which would like to implement its principles can enter the proces at any moment and apply for the Human Resources Excellence in Research logo to be awarded by the European Commission
- Attachment European Charter for Researchers and the Code
In Horizon 2020 programme the provisions regarding the Charter and the Code have been included in the grant agreement concluded by the institutions participating in the projects and the European Commission. Artticle 32 of the agreement: Recruitment and working conditions for researchers obliges beneficiaries of all financed projects to take all steps to implement the principles of the Charter and the Code. In particular, this requirement applies to the rules of employment conditions for researchers, transparency of recruitment processes and development of scientific career.