
  • Opublikowano: 07/11/2024


We are pleased to announce that, following the Minister of Health’s decision based on the application submitted on June 28, 2024, and in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Health of June 13, 2019, regarding awards for academic teachers (Journal of Laws, item 150), the Minister’s awards have been granted to the following recipients:

1. Team award in recognition of scientific activities:
1/ Prof. Paweł Majak MD PhD,
2/ Prof. Piotr Kuna MD PhD,
for authoring a series of publications titled ‘Immunological and Microbiological Interactions Determining the Natural History and Response to Treatment of Chronic Rhinitis and Paranasal Sinusitis in Preschool Children,’ published in internationally renowned paediatric journals (JAMA Pediatrics).

Furthermore, by the decision of the Minister of Health, on the Minister’s own initiative, an Individual Award in the field of organizational activities was granted to Prof. Radzisław Kordek MD PhD for his effective management of the University during his tenure as rector from 2016 to 2024.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the winners and wish them continued success in both their personal and professional endeavours.


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
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