
  • Opublikowano: 07/12/2017

Modern medicine for Seniors in Lodz

On 5th December 2017 Medical University of Lodz and Comarch signed a cooperation contract. The parties, both being EIT Health partners, agreed to create and implement innovations which could combine medicine and information technology.

MUL was represented by Rector, prof. Radziasław Kordek, Chancellor dr Jacek Grabowski and Vice-Director of Research, Strategies and Development Office, Aneta Andrzejczyk MA, whereas Comarch representatives included: the President, prof. Janusz Filipiak, and  Rafał Chmiela, Lodz Sales Center Manager.

The collaboration project involves the design of healthcare services based on telemedicine technology for the seniors in Lodz voivodship. The project also includes the implementation of modern IT solutions in medical analyses and Big Data as well as the development of the Internet of Things, which will establish IT standards for healthcare services.

Medical University of Lodz has long been engaged in diagnostic and therapeutic process advancement, clinical research development and new management of patient care organisation, whereas, Comarch, an  IT service and software provider, commits 15% of their total income annually on research, development and implementation of new IT solutions for medicine, including telemedicine.  The contract and combined competence of both parties will result in innovative medical solutions enhanced by IT systems for broadly-defined medical diagnostics and patient care. MUL together with Comarch can design inter-operational tools which may become common in healthcare services and medical specialists education, eventually contributing to their higher quality.


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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