
  • Opublikowano: 17/05/2024


Last Thursday the Medical University of Lodz became a unique place: the ceremony of the award of Honoris Causa Doctorate degree to Prof. Jacek Jassem  was held in Prof. A. Pruszczyński Lecture Hall. 

After the National Anthem was sung, Prof. Kordek, Rector of MUL, opened the ceremonial session of the Senate. The guests of honour included: 

  • Elżbieta Aleksandrowicz,  Rector of the Academy of Music in Lodz,
  • Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of Lodz University of Technology,
  • Wiesław Jędrzejczak from Warsaw Medical University  (one of the reviewers of the honorary doctorate thesis),
  • Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science, Rector Elect of Gdansk Merdical University,
  • Przemysław Andrzejak, Chairman of the University Council of the Medical University of Lodz,

and also the family, relatives and colleagues of the honorary laureate.   

MUL Rector, Prof. Radzisław Kordek, the supervisor in the doctoral application for the award of HC doctorate degree, delivered the laudatory speech where he underlined an enormous input Professor Jassem made in the development of oncology both in Poland and the whole world. The Rector rounded off his speech with personal memories of Prof. Jassem with the emphasis of Professor’s role in oncology structures formation in Poland and his impact on the standards of teaching oncology at medical studies.  „…unpretending, sincere, driven, loyal to his own beliefs and ready to devote a lot to fight for people, their health and rights. In one of your interviews, you said that “science is still your desire” and this is probably the deepest reflection of you and, luckily for us, patients and future doctors, may it remain so”, prof. Kordek summed up.  

Prof. Jassem, described as a scientist who translates his knowledge into actual results for the health of the society is, beyond doubt, the person who can boast an invaluable contribution in the development of medicine.   

After the laudation,  Prof. Wiktor Jędrzejczak gave a short speech followed by Prof. Jacek Rożniecki’s presentation of honoris causa doctorate diploma, on behalf of Prof. Marzenna Zielińska, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.  

The highlight of the event was the Rector’s ceremonial award of honoris causa doctorate degree to prof. Jassem and a symbolical welcome to the academic community of MUL.  The Laureate gave a speech entitled ”My vision of oncology” on research, reflections as well as the history of oncology.  

Naturally, there were many emotions, congratulations and warm words.  

Prof. Jassem is a recognised specialist in radiotherapy and clinical oncology. His scientific career has been linked to Gdansk Medical University where he has headed the Department and Clinical Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy.   

His major research focus revolves around clinical oncology, combined cancer treatment approach and molecular oncology.  

Prof. Jassem leading research areas primarily include translational and clinical research in malignancies, particularly in lung, breast and colon cancers as well as biological and clinical aspects of brain metastases in cancer patients. 

Professor Jassem is the author or a co-author of 11 patents and patent applications and nearly 800 full-text articles in Poland and abroad.  The cumulative impact factor of his scientific achievements reached 2840. He is one of the most frequently cited Polish doctors worldwide. In December 2023 the number of citations of the papers co-/authored by Prof. Jassem amounted to over 31.600 by the Web of Science (h-index = 68), over 43.800 (h-index = 77) by Scopus and over 48.000 (index d = 84) by Research.com. In the period of 2020–2023 Professor Jassem was on the prestigious list of top 2% scientists of the world according to the Stanford University ranking which includes h-index, citation number, and the position and role of the researcher on the list of authors of scientific papers.    

Prof. Jassem received numerous national and international scientific awards including Prime Minister’s Award, the Award of the Mayor of Vienna, Sobolewskis Award of the Polish Society of Oncology, Joseph Cullen Award by The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), Jan Heweliusz Scientific Prize by the President of the City of Gdansk, , Medal of Saint Wojciech of the City Council of Gdansk and the title of  “The Outstanding Pole” of “Teraz Polska” Foundation. He is one of two Polish scientists in the European Academy of Cancer Sciences, a member of Academia Europaea and an active member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. 

Professor Jassem has been a member of the editorial boards of many prestigious scientific journals, including Lancet Oncology, European Journal of Cancer, Cancer Treatment Reviews, Radiotherapy and Oncology, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, ESMO Open, Molecular Oncology, Precision Medicine and Journal of Thoracic Oncology. He delivered lectures at a great number of global scientific conferences, including the congresses of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), The European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) and The European Cancer Organisation (EC), as well as in numerous scientific institutions i.a. Universities of Denver, Padua, Budapest, Shenzhen and Shanghai, the Netherlands Cancer Institute w Amsterdam and Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. 

Professor Jassem also performed many functions in national and international scientific societies. Among others he was the President of The Executive Board of Polish Society of Oncology (PTO), the executive board member and the President of Breast Cancer Group of European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the chairman of ASCO International Affairs Committee and the executive board member of ESTRO and ESMO. In the period of 2020–2021 he was a member of the advisory board of European Commission Cancer Mission. He is the chairman of The Central and East European Oncology Group (CEEOG) and an honorary member of Polish Society of Oncology, Polish Society of Oncological Surgery and Hungarian Association of Oncology Surgeons and he is the holder of ESMO Fellow title. 

Prof. Jassem has been an academic teacher since 1975. On multiple occasions he has been the organiser or the coordinator of postgraduate courses in Poland and abroad, he supervised the specialisations of over 20 doctors and 19 PhD students. He has been coordinating the design of Polish guidelines for diagnostics and treatment of breast cancer. He has designed his original programme of undergraduate courses at his alma mater. He authored or co-authored over a dozen textbooks and dozens of chapters in Polish and foreign textbooks. He is the chairman of Academic Cancer Network, which coordinates and makes improvement in teaching at Polish medical universities.   

Prof. Jassem is also engaged in a wide range of activities for public health e.g. he designed a draft law of the ban on smoking in public places in Poland (introduced in 2010) and coordinated the development of Cancer Control Strategy for Poland 2015-2024. He was a social advisor to several health ministers and members of the Health Committee of the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland. He authored the IASLC declaration which is being implemented globally and focuses on smoking cessation at the time of a cancer diagnosis. He is the founder and the president of the Polish Cancer League Foundation and the Gdansk Oncology Association, acting for cancer patients in the Pomerania Region. Prof. Jassem promotes the knowledge of cancer in society, he is the author of several educational films and numerous journalist’s programmes in the press, radio, TV and medical portals; he is also the originator and coordinator of Summer Oncology Academy for Journalists. He is a cancer survivor himself and described his personal experience in his book “Stopped on the Run”. 

Prof. Jassem’s scientific achievements are impressively immense and his contribution to the education of young medical specialists, public health and Polish oncology development are of unquestionably huge impact. 


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