
  • Opublikowano: 29/05/2024


Forbes magazine in cooperation with Statista published the ranking list of Poland’s top employers. Poland’s Best Employer 2024 survey of over 20,000 employees included several hundreds of best employers with at least 250 employees in 25 industries.  

In Education and Research the Medical University of Lodz was ranked sixth  and in general ranking MUL was in the TOP 100 (rank 79). MUL is the only medical university included in this year’s ranking  and one of two universities from Lodz, along with Lodz University.  

MUL is a reliable employer that warrants stability of employment which is of crucial significance in the uncertain and dynamically changing reality. Our university’s complex and diverse structure poses by no means a challenge  for its management. Each and every group of employees is equally important and contributes to the university development, which forces the university as an employer  to ensure the best conditions for work and development for each employee, says MUL Rector, prof. Radzisław Kordek.  

The Medical University of Lodz is not only a leader in higher education institutions rankings but also a recognised employer that has already been awarded a number of titles:  

TOP 5 Employers of the City of Lodz  

Health Employer, the winner in the contest by the Ministry of Health,   

Member of the Coalition for friendly recruitment, 

Certificate of the European Commission: HR Excellence in Research  

Full Best Employer 2024 Ranking by Forbes 


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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