
  • Opublikowano: 03/03/2017

MUL researchers’ publication in Science Translational Medicine!

The March issue of the Science Translational Medicine included a publication on microRNA as a predicting tool for radiation-induced mortality.

Authors of the research published in this extremely prestigious journal (Impact Factor 16.264 – second place in Research and Experimental Medicine category) include Wojciech Fendler, PhD and Beata Malachowska – PhD student from MUL.

Research had been undertaken in cooperation with Prof Dipanjan Chowdhury’s team from Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and Vijoy Singh’s, PhD team from Armed Forces Radiation Research Institute in Bethesda.
The research demonstrates the use of evolutionarily conserved serum microRNAs to predict the severity and prognosis following exposure to potentially fatal levels of radiation.

This way, the newly developed classifier tool based on microRNA, after statistical adjustment, would enable rapid diagnostic process in the events of nuclear or radiological accidents, where large numbers of population would be exposed to high levels of radiation.

The recent research was continuation of the previous cooperation with the American team , initiated in 2014, which directly led to the exploration of a new field, unfolded by Fendler’s team from the Department of Biostatistics and Translational Medicine.


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