
  • Opublikowano: 27/03/2023

MUL students awarded in MEiN ‘Pearls of Science”

The results of the Ministry of Science and Education programme „Perły Nauki” (Pearls of Science) have been announced. In the first call, Katarzyna Kwas i Aleksandra Zielińska, students at the Faculty of Medicine, obtained grants for their research.The programme aim is to support the units of higher education and scientific entities by providing the conditions for development for outstanding graduates of first cycle degree programmes or third-/fourth-year students in long-cycle Master’s degree programme. The programme is meant to enable the students to conduct their research or develop their artistic skills under guidance of their supervisors.

Katarzyna Kwas

Project title: The impact of mesenchymal stem cells on adipose metaplasia in rotator cuff damage. The grant: PLN 239 123,50

Aleksandra Zielińska

Project title: Molecular characteristics of FGFR1-4 in prognosis in hormone-dependent breast cancer. The grant: PLN 236 520,68

Congratulations! We keep our fingers crossed for further success. More about the programme on: https://programy.nauka.gov.pl/portfolio/perly-nauki/


Medical University of Lodz
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