
  • Opublikowano: 21/03/2025

NearLy PLN 190 million for MUL TO mofdernize and FURTHER EQuip teaching Facilities

The Ministry of Health has completed the evaluation process of the applications submitted under National Recovery and Resilience Plan (KPO). The Medical University of Lodz is one of the 9 universities whose development plans received recommendations for funding. The university will receive nearly 190 million PLN for the construction, expansion, and modernization of its educational facilities, which will contribute to an increase in the number of medical personnel (doctors, nurses, and other healthcare system workers).

Thank you to everyone who put in tremendous effort to prepare this application. We are aware that implementing projects within such a short timeframe will pose a significant challenge. However, we are fully determined and well-prepared to successfully carry out these initiatives, which are crucial for the development of our university,” says the Rector,  Professor Janusz Piekarski.

Within the funds from the KPO, plans include the construction of a modern, passive teaching building in the heart of the CKD campus (U1). Six above-ground and two underground floors will house spacious classrooms, individual study areas, interactive spaces for group work, seminar rooms, and student service points. The central feature of the building will be a communal space that fosters, among other things, integration.

The plans also include the modernization of the campus at Muszyńskiego St, both for classrooms and laboratories.

The university’s clinical base (lecture halls and seminar rooms) will undergo thorough modernization to provide students with better study conditions. A modern Paediatric Centre, supporting the teaching process, will also be established.

The Medical Simulation Centre will be further equipped with even more advanced devices to allow students to improve their practical skills. Medical simulation rooms at hospital clinics, as well as the University Standardized Exams Centre (OSCE) will also be created.

In total, 11 projects are planned across several areas: preclinical base (6 projects), clinical base (4 projects), and library modernization (1 project).

According to the call regulations, all work must be completed by March 31, 2026.


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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