
  • Opublikowano: 15/11/2023


At the Medical University of Lodz, mobbing, discrimination and sexual harassment are considered highly objectionable, and any manifestations of them are not tolerated.

The policy for counteracting such actions is specified in Zarządzenie_2023_089 – Regulamin polityki przeciwdziałania mobbingowi i dyskryminacji….pdf nr 89/2023 of September 7, 2023, of the Rector of the Medical University of Lodz regarding the Regulations for the policy for counteracting mobbing, discrimination and sexual harassment at the Medical University in Lodz. The most critical element we focused on was simplifying the procedure for reporting undesirable phenomena, such as discrimination, mobbing and sexual harassment. An e-mail address has been created for contact in cases of suspected mobbing, discrimination or sexual harassment, directly with a person who can provide initial assistance while ensuring discretion.

However, our primary goal is to make the entire academic community aware of which behaviours may be considered incorrect and how to avoid them. As a University, we attach importance to education, to which we commit ourselves in this ordinance. We know prevention is essential, so we have created an e-learning course, Mobbing and Discrimination, explaining how to counteract these phenomena and what to pay attention to, especially in conflict situations. To ensure the dissemination of this topic, we have included the essential information on counteracting these phenomena and the contact details of the consultant on the intranet.

Please see the tab: Knowledge area – HR – Mobbing and discrimination.


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
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