
  • Opublikowano: 13/10/2021


Medical Research Agency announced the results of the call for non-commercial clinical trial in psychiatry and neurology.  As many as 2 out of 10 projects that applied for the funds will be implemented by consortia whose leader is Medical University of Lodz.

Trials in psychiatry and neurology are of particular significance especially in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As a medical university, we have plenty to offer here and it is all the more rewarding when our researchers’ projects have been so highly valued, as underlines Ireneusz Staroń, Director of Clinical Trial Centre.

The runner-up was the project by Prof. Jakub Kaźmierski, the head of Department of Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders and the 7th place was taken by the coordinated trial manged by Agnieszka Butwicka MD PhD (currently at Karolinska Institute) and Prof. Wojciech Fendler, the head of Department of Biostatics and Translational Medicine.

A total of  27 applications were submitted in the call with a joint value of over PLN 220 mln. 26 applications underwent a substantial evaluation.

The project: Randomised, double blind, controlled placebo trial to assess the effectiveness and safety of dimethyl fumarate in brain atrophy reduction, improvement in synaptic functional connections, cognitive functions, functioning and quality of life in patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment and dementia in Alzheimer’ disease.

Researcher: Prof.  Jakub Kaźmierski (Department of Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders) Funds: PLN 9,9 mln.


The trial includes the assessment of efficiency and safety of dimethyl fumarate in patients with MCI (ang. mild cognitive impairment) and mild dementia in Alzheimer’ disease (AD). The aim of the project is to deploy the therapy which will significantly hamper oxidative and neuroinflammatory processes in microglia and β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits thereby inhibiting cytotoxicity, neuronal and synaptic loss and brain atrophy in patients diagnosed with AD. The beneficial cellular mechanisms triggered by the medication can translate into inhibited progress of dementia including MCI conversion to dementia and development of its further stages. The project is carried out as randomised, double blind (patient-researcher), controlled placebo trial.


Project: LAMAinDiab – lisdexamfetamine vs. MP for paediatric patients with ADHD and type 1 diabetes – a randomized crossover clinical trial

Researchers:  Agnieszka Butwicka MD PhD (currently at Karolinska Institute) and Prof. Wojciech Fendler, (Department of Biostatics and Translational Medicine)

Funds: PLN 9,9 mln


The intervention within the project aims at improving the control of ADHD symptoms in patients with Type 1 diabetes whose ADHD symptoms measurably decrease the therapy effectiveness. Other effects of the medications will also be verified including the impact on life quality, change in the results of schooling of the analysed patients, physical activity and sleep quality measured with personal accelerometers. The initiated therapy (with (lisdexamfetamine and methylphenidate), preceded by psychotherapeutic  and educational intervention (PTBM) will translate into improvement to patients’ health status both with regard to control of ADHD symptoms and control of metabolism in diabetes.


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