
  • Opublikowano: 21/10/2019

prof. John T. Manning visits MUL

Last week our university hosted prof. John T. Manning, who visited Lodz within the framework of Visiting Professors programme. Currently, prof. Manning works in Swansea University in Great Britain. In his research prof. Manning mainly focuses on the implications of the digit ratio (2D:4D – the ratio of the lengths of index finger to the ring finger). In his scientific work he emphasises the significance of foetal exposure to sex hormones in human development, health and risk of diseases.

On Wednesday in Aula Zachodnia of Didactic and Clinical Centre Professor Manning gave a lecture on ‘Digit Ratio (2D:4D) and Prenatal Sex Hormones: are there any Medical Implications?’. On Friday his lecture ‘Digit Ratio (2D:4D): What can our fingers tell us about our Biology?’ attracted several hundreds of listeners including patronal secondary school students. O Thursday prof. Manning was hosted by the Department of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, where another lecture was presented: ‘Digit Ratio (2D:4D) and its Sex, Ethnic and National Differences’.

Up-to-date information on lectures available on : https://umed.pl/wyklady-otwarte/

Public task ‘Lodz naukowa, Łódź akademicka 2019’ funded by the City of Lodz.


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