
  • Opublikowano: 04/03/2024


The Rector of the Medical University of Lodz awarded further research grants to the employees and PhD students of our university. 

The list of winners included: 

  • Mariusz Hartman PhD (Department of Molecular Biology of Cancer)  Granted funds: PLN 32,000 
  • Michał Karbownik PhD (Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology)  Granted funds: PLN 28,900  

Let’s learn more about the winners:


(Department of Molecular Biology of Cancer


(Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology)

The winner’s research is focused on apoptosis and other types of cell death in melanoma cells. In 2022 cuproptosis i.e. a new type of cell death that is dependent on copper ions was described in scientific literature. The research carried out so far has indicated that cancer cells sensitivity to cuproptosis depends on their metabolic phenotype. The awarded project concentrates on the response of melanoma cells of different genetic subtype (with BRAF or RAS mutation) to cuproptosis-inducing compounds with regard to experimental systems that reflect a variety of clinical situations. The obtained outcomes will further be verified on mice models of melanoma.  

Mariusz Hartman PhD is a co-author of over 30 research papers, the winner of the scholarship for outstanding researchers funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2015–2017), as well as the project manager of  research projects (PRELUDIUM and SONATA) funded by the National Science Centre. He also received the special award for young academic teachers for his original paper published in 2021 and multiple awards for his scientific activities awarded by the Rector of the Medical University of Lodz.   

How can probiotics affect our brain functions? The classic concept of the microorganisms-gut-brain axis does not seem to provide a satisfactory answer. The concept  generally does not take into account extracellular vesicles that are produced by microorganisms. The vesicles are sufficiently small to be absorbed in the digestive system and to permeate into the brain. They contain an important part of probiotic bacteria cells and thus hypothetically modulate the functions of our brain. ‘The aim of my study is to assess the impact of extracellular vesicles produced by selected probiotic strains on cellular elements of the brain in cell culture models. I hope that my research will expand the horizons of probiotics exploration and contribute to the development of a new class of postbiotics and new therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders’. 

Michał Karbownik PhD is passionate about the therapeutic possibilities that arise at the intersection of micro-  and neurobiology.  

As a thoroughbred pharmacologist, he loves exploring the molecular mechanisms of phenomena and he believes that such knowledge will contribute to the progress and admiration for the world.  


We encourage you to learn more about  the rules for grants awarding (Rector’s Order No. 67/2023) and apply for subsequent calls. 

Should you have any further questions, please contact the Science  Support Centre. 

Contact persons. 



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