
Incoming students

Dear Student,

If you are studying at one of our partner Universities, you first need to contact the appropriate co-ordinator at your home university.

This may be the departmental or institutional Erasmus co-ordinator.

It is important you make your application through your University, as there may be a limited number of spaces available.

Make sure you read our academic rules and get to know all our regulations. You can find these under the link: – under the button “Academic rules”.



Once your home University has agreed to nominate you for an exchange with the Medical University of Lodz, you will need to complete your application pack and send it to us by the deadline. Here are the application documents for 2018/2019:

  1. Student Application Form
    Fill in the Student Application Form in block capital letters or electronically. The application must be signed and sealed by your Erasmus coordinator.
  1. Learning Agreement (2 original required)Enclose a proposed study program using the MU Learning Agreement (or your home Learning Agreement form). The study program must be approved by your home Erasmus coordinator.Please pay attention for two facts:
  • Courses from 6th Year will be very limited to participate in.
  • Surgery course from 5th Year will be possible to take only as one big subject. There will not be possibility to choose sub-courses within surgery course.
  1. Accomodation Form
    Fill in the Accommodation Form – you can be accommodated in a room (mostly a double room) in a Hall of Residence no 4 Address: Łódź, 1 Hallera Sq.
    We cannot guarantee that you will get a room in our dormitory.
  1. Enclose an official Transcript of Record (a record of all courses taken and grades achieved from your home University).
  2. Remember: it is also compulsory for Incoming Students to provide certificates of Vaccinations against hepatitis B, rubella, measles, mumps and chickenpox test, pertussis and also current hepatitis C antibody Negative assay.
  3. A copy of  your Identity Card or passport (non-EU citizens)
    Important! A citizen of a non-EU/EEA country can enter the territory of Poland on the basis of a valid travel document (passport) and a visa (if required). A citizen of a non-EU country has to obtain the visa from the consulate of Poland in his/her country of residence. The short-term visa entitles to stay in Poland up to 3 months, the long-term visa – up to 1 year.
  1. Two passport photographs signed on the back
    Please send your application pack by the deadlines:
    31st of May 2018 for the 1st semester and the whole year;
    1st of December 2018 for the 2nd semesterto the address below:
    International Relations Office
    Muszyńskiego 2 Street, 2nd floor, room 3.07  90-151 Łódź
    In order to be admitted, all of the above mentioned documents have to be submitted.



At this stage your Learning Agreement will need to be approved. We will contact you if there are any problems with your Learning Agreement. Once we have approved your study program we will send you a letter of acceptance. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Remember to prepare the Learning Agreement carefully, and prepare all the changes with paying attention not only to the program but also to ECTS points.

CHANGES IN THE Learning Agreement

Changes in 1st (winter) semester are possible until the end of October.
Changes in 2nd (summer) semester are possible until the end of January.

Temporary residence permit/visa requirements

EU/EEA citizens

An EU citizen can enter Poland with his/her ID document (a valid travel document e.g. passport, or another document certifying his/her identity and citizenship).

For stay up to 3 months no legalisation of stay will be necessary. For stays exceeding 3 months, an EU citizen will have to obtain a temporary residence permit (Karta pobytu obywatela UE). In case of students, the residence permit is issued for one year. The residence permit – once issued – will also entitle its bearer to take up work. The residence permit and the right to work also extends to the immediate family – i.e. spouse and children.

This document will be issued by the Department of Citizens Affairs of the Voivodeship Office (province administration, in Polish Urząd Wojewódzki). Charge for issuing of the residence permit is 30 Polish zloty (ca 7 Euro).

Temporary residence permits will be granted to Union citizens who have health insurance and sufficient resources to cover their expenses without needing social security support.

Documents that have to be submitted by the student to the Voivodeship Office in order to obtain the residence permit:

  • copy of the travel document (passport or other ID document)
  • health insurance document
  • official letter of acceptance from the Polish university (with information about the planned period of study)
  • declaration about sufficient resources to cover the subsistence costs in Poland
  • 2 photographs
  • Application form (Wniosek o zezwolenie na pobyt, in Polish)

Citizens of the EEA countries are subject to the same conditions as the EU citizens.

The citizens of Switzerland can enter Poland only on the basis of a valid passport.

See also the web site of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Non-EU/EEA citizens


A citizen of a non-EU/EEA country can enter the territory of Poland on the basis of a valid travel document (passport) and a visa (if required). A citizen of a non-EU country has to obtain the visa from the consulate of Poland in his/her country of residence. The short-term visa entitles to stay in Poland up to 3 months, the long-term visa – up to 1 year. The prolongation of visa in Poland is only possible in case of a force majeure or situation impossible to foresee while applying for the visa in the consulate. The visa can be prolonged only once.

It is therefore necessary to apply for a visa in a consulate for the whole planned period of stay in Poland.

For details please see the web site of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Persons who have received a visa for the whole period of stay in Poland are not obliged to apply for a residence permit for their stay in Poland


In Łódź the first place to visit is the International Relations Office.

You are requested to produce the following documents at the International Relations Office:

— your passport (non EU citizens need to obtain Polish visa)
European health insurance card (EHIC) or form 111 (English or Polish translations)
— official statement from your home University declaring the Erasmus grant or another proof of your financial resources such as a bank statement

Remember: it is also compulsory for Incoming Students to provide immunization records, comprehensive of the hepatitis B and C antibodies and the skin diseases (rubella, measles, mumps and chickenpox tests) and health certificate stating a good health condition.

On arrival you will receive an information package about our University. We will arrange a Student Card and Student Badge for you and we will help you to find yourself in the new place. More information about Poland and City of Lodz.

You will be also obliged to buy Civil Liability Insurance (Professional) –OC MED. PLUS which will cost You 50 PLN for Academic Year 2018/2019, but I will help You with that after Your arrival.


You can visit the International Relations Office during opening hours (Mon – Fri 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.) – please first make an arrangement by e-mail ( ). We will try to help you with all issues concerning your stay at our University. The Departmental Coordinator will help you with academic issues.

Please also have a look at our English website à and our Student Guide à


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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