
OPEN DAY: : International mobility in science –  offer for PhDs and  professors

24th November 2022 (Thursday); 13.00-15.45

Centrum Informacyjno-Biblioteczne ul. Muszyńskiego 2 (PATIO)

Would you like to enrich your professional experience?

Are you curious how scientists work abroad?

Are you looking for a scholarship for a study trip?

Please come to the meeting and:

  • Listen to the people who have already taken advantage of going abroad within mobility offer,
  • Discover initiatives funded by national institutions – the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), the National Science Center (NCN), the Foundation for the Development of Education (FSRE, among others, responsible for Erasmus+),
  • Find out how to prepare a mobility application, with the help of representatives of the Horizontal Contact Point

We invite all research workers at every stage of their professional path.

Registration form :

During the meeting, mobility opportunities will be presented for both young employees, including PhD students, and experienced ones. Participants will have opportunity to learn about financial initiatives  held by such institutions as: National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), National Science Center (NCN), Foundation for the Development of Education (FSRE, among others responsible for Erasmus+)

During the meeting participants of foreign exchanges and scholarships will present their travel experiences. Representatives of the University of Lodz and the Horizontal Contact Point will also be at the disposal of the participants, and will share tips on the preparation of mobility applications.

The meeting will be held in Polish.


Agenda- in Polish below

13:00 – 13:15

Korzyści płynące z uzyskania wyróżnienia HR Excellence in Research. Wprowadzenie do mobilności naukowej.

Dział Projektów Międzynarodowych

13:15 – 13:25

Wystąpienie prof. dr hab. Jakuba Fichny (Zakład Biochemii UM) na temat wyjazdu w ramach stypendium Fullbrighta i Erasmus+

13:25 – 13:50

Jak być częścią światowej nauki?  Jak rozwijać swoją karierę za granicą i jak wspierać przyjazdy zagranicznych badaczy na UMED ze środków programu Horyzont Europa? – EURAXESS, JRC

Horyzontalny Punkt Kontaktowy, Uniwersytet Łódzki


Wystąpienie dr Karoliny Czarneckiej- Chrebelskiej (Zakład Biomedycyny i Genetyki UM) na temat wyjazdu finansowanego przez grant MSCA

14:00 – 14:40

Mobilność ERASMUS+ – dostępne oferty i konkursy dla wyjeżdżających

Dział Współpracy Zagranicznej UM

14:40- 14:50

Wystąpienie dr hab. Edyty Borkowskiej (Zakład Genetyki Klinicznej UM) na temat wyjazdu finansowanego w ramach NAWA i Erasmus+


Informacje o wymogach konkursowych NAWA (tbc)


Pytania i odpowiedzi

“Open to climate justice” is the main topic of the International Open Access Week 2022. The event promotes the open study and educational programs and exchanging experiences between researchers and institutions associating researchers. Every year, the Information and Library Center of the Medical University in Lodz organizes seminars and workshops on this subject.

This year’s topic will be an opportunity to discuss whether open science can contribute to mitigating the effects of the climate crisis. The week’s motto encourages networking and cooperation between the climate movement and an open international community.


On-site meeting:

October 27, 2022, 12.00-14:00

Information and Library Center, I piętro – Patio, ul. Muszyńskiego 2, Lodz


Agenda of the on-site meeting:

  1. Welcome-  Witold Kozakiewicz, the Head of the Information and Library Center at  the MUL
  2. The pros and cons of Open Access publications- prof. Michał Polguj, Open Access Officer at the MUL
  3. Open Science and Sustainable Development – Does It Pay Off?– Witold Kozakiewicz
  4. Data Management Plan – Zero Waste in scientific projects – Agnieszka Goszczyńska, senior librarian, the Information and Library Center of the MUL
  5. First steps in Open Access – databases, applications and tools for students – Anna Sikorska, licensee at the MUL
  6. From vitamin D to artificial intelligence in medicine. Scientific publishing in medical reports – Magdalena Kokosińska, Senior Librarian at the Information and Library Center of the MUL



October 28, 2022, 9.00-10.00, ZOOM platform

The Information and Library Center of the Medical University in Lodz and the Elsevier company invite to the training “Open Access – publishing scientific articles.”

The training aims to discuss the concept of Open Access in the broader context of implementing Open Science. Various models of openness will be presented based on examples and including practical aspects relevant to the authors of scientific publications. During the event, the following issues will be discussed:

  • Open Access and Open Science
  • Open access models with particular emphasis on Gold OA and Green OA
  • Open access to the example of Elsevier
  • Open access to the example of UMED
  • Copyright licenses in Open Access
  • Transformation Agreements. Publishing open to Elsevier under the Polish agreement

There will be a question and answer session at the end of the training.

Participation in the training is free, and prior registration is required. Participants will receive certificates of participation.

Host: Paulina Milewska, Elsevier (, guest: Magdalena Kokosińska, CIB UM in Lodz, Medical Reports


In December 2020 an information meeting was held on HR Excellence in Research. After the opening by Prof. Lucyna Woźniak, Vice-Rector for Research Strategy and International Relations, the heads of selected University units (Human Resources Office, the Centre for Information and Library and Bureau for Science, Strategy and Development) discussed the initiatives already implemented within the framework of HR for Researchers strategy and presented plans for the next year. The meeting attended by the members of the Steering Committee, MUL employees and PhD students provided an opportunity to discuss plans and priorities as well as the evaluation scheduled for next year.

The meeting was held online.


The report from the meeting is available here:



As part of the H2020 project ACT, Jagiellonian University and partners are  organising the 2nd international synergy conference to take place in ViRTUAL format on 11-12 February 2021.The purpose of this conference is to report on the contribution of the H2020 ACT project to advance gender equality in research and innovation in the EU. The approach developed by ACT is based on the concept of Community of Practice (CoP). ACT created, developed and supported eight CoPs, as well as a range of tools to help CoPs operate at institutional, inter-institutional, and EU-wide levels, and keep advancing best practice for gender equality in R&I.

The expected output from the conference will be recommendations to the Commission to adopt CoPs as a practical mechanism to advance gender equality in R&I, especially through Horizon Europe projects and programmes such as HRS4R.

The ACT Consortium invites to the Conference science and innovation leaders, decision-makers, researchers and practitioners ready to collaborate, co-create and co-produce gender equality in R&I.By participating in the Conference you will help establish how CoPs can deliver the EU mission of gender equality in research and innovation.

Please find the programme and registration here:

Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
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