

The aim of European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers is constant improvement of recruitment and employment conditions for researchers in European institutions. The strategy is guided by the rules of European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, which set forth the basic principles that should be followed by R&D institutions (both public and private) and organisations funding scientific research. The institutions which successfully implement the Charter and Code principles are recognised by the European Commission with HR Excellence in Research Awards.

Medical University of Lodz has received this award for its achievements in human resources policy.

Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment (OTM-R) Policy at the Medical University of Lodz 

The process of recruitment of research and teaching employees is regulated by the job competition rules and regulations for academic teachers in Medical University of Lodz:


The qualifications required for the specific position are stipulated in the Regulations of the qualifications required to hold the positions of academic teachers in the Medical University of Lodz:

Regulations of the qualifications required to hold the positions of academic teachers in the Medical University of Lodz

The recruitment procedures are transparent and open to the public, also for candidates from outside Poland.


I. Preparation of the job description

The head of the unit describes the position in accordance with the template of job description and forwards it to the Human Resources Office.


II. Appointment of the selection board

The members appointed to the selection board should represent various experience and qualifications depending on the specificity of the unit that the vacancy belongs to and, and also, if necessary and possible, the board members should represent a variety of trades. When appointing the board members, gender balance should be kept.

The job competition for the positions of academic teachers in the units allocated to the faculty is announced by the Dean with Rector’s consent.

The competition is held by the board designated by the Dean and consisting of:

  • Dean or a Vice-Dean delegated by the Dean, as the chairperson;
  • Head of the organisational unit where the successful applicant will be employed;
  • A member of the relevant scientific council: for research and research & teaching positions, or a member of the relevant faculty council for teaching: for teaching positions, assigned by the Chairperson of the Council;
  • A recording secretary appointed by the board chairperson; the secretary does not take part in the voting.

The competition for the positions of academic teachers in the interdepartmental university units is announced by the head of the unit applying for the new employee after obtaining Rector’s consent.

The competition is held by the board which is composed of:

  • the chairperson i.e. the head of the organisational unit the competition refers to,
  • two members appointed by the Rector
  • a recording secretary designated by the Chairperson of the board; the secretary does not participate in the voting.


III. Announcement of the job competition

The competition notice according to the template: Appendix No 2 to The Job Competition Rules and Regulations, Competition Notice, should include:

  • name and address of the organisational unit (clinic, department etc. )
  • position and employee group;
  • tasks and duties to be performed at the work position;
  • definition of job qualifications;
  • a list of required documents;
  • application deadline;
  • form of application submission

A job competition notice is posted on the following websites: BIP (Public Information Bulletin), EURAXESS, and in social media: FB and LinkedIn,  Academic Careers Office:


IV. Initial verification of the application documents

After the application deadline defined in the competition notice, the submitted applications are verified formally. If any supporting documents are missing, the applicants may be asked to provide them by the date set by the Chairperson of the Selection Board.


V. Final verification

Final verification involves the interview with the applicants held by the members of the Selection Board; the interview can be held online, using electronic communication facilities.

The aim of the interview comprises:

  • verification of the information included in the application;
  • assessment of the candidate’s skills and qualifications;
  • evaluation of the candidate’s knowledge;
  • establishing the candidate’s career goals;
  • checking the compliance of the competence with the job;
  • defining the candidate’s expectations of the job and its conditions.


VI. Drafting the competition report

After completing the competition procedure, the recording secretary drafts the report on the course of the competition proceedings.

The competition report includes the following details:

  • the position and group the competition was announced for;
  • name of the organisational unit the competition refers to;
  • the number of submitted applications;
  • members of the selection board;
  • name and surname of the selected candidate
  • statement of reasons for the choice made.

The template of the competition report can be found as Appendix 3 to the Regulations of the Report on Competition Proceedings.


VII. Announcement of the competition results

The information about the termination of the competition and its results with the reasons for the ultimate choice is made public on the University website: and in BIP (Public Information Bulletin) and MNiSW (Ministry of Science and Higher Education). Directly after the interview, each participating applicant is given feedback on their strengths and weaknesses.

The selection of the successful applicant is not tantamount to their employment.

The Report on Competition Proceedings along with the successful candidate’s documents and the application for the new candidate’s employment compiled by the head of the unit must be delivered to the Human Resources Office.

On the basis of the submitted documents, the Rector takes the decision with regard to employment. If the decision is positive, the Human Resources Office provides the successful candidate with the employment and remuneration conditions and refers the candidate to pre-employment medical assessment. Within the first days of employment, the newly-employed person attends the required training and receives an information booklet with the crucial details concerning the University and its structure as well as the position-related instructions.

Medical University of Lodz
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