Studies in Polish

Faculty of Medicine

In 1945, Polish authorities opened the University of Lodz, which had three medical faculties in its structure: the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Pharmacy. As a result of structural modifications the three faculties became parts of the Medical Academy of Lodz and finally, were incorporated into the Medical University of Lodz (2002). In 2009, under a Senate resolution the Faculty of Medicine merged with the Faculty of Dental Medicine. As a consequence of the merger, all organizational units of the Faculty of Dental Medicine were incorporated into the Faculty of Medicine.

The Faculty of Medicine offers education in three study fields: Medicine, Dental Medicine (also in English) and Dental Techniques. The last study field offers first- and second-cycle studies. Besides, candidates can also choose doctoral and post-diploma studies.

On average 2,500 students attend medical studies, 268 doctoral studies and 25 post-diploma studies, held at the Faculty of Medicine. Clinical hospitals meet stringent requirements being places where future doctors can gain their knowledge and skills. The hospitals are highly rated in national rankings. The modern Clinical and Teaching Centre of the Medical University of Lodz holds unique scientific and research laboratories, the multimedia University Laboratory of Pre-clinical Dentistry Teaching and the Examination Centre for the Faculty of Medicine. The latter organises and supervises computer-based final exams on courses taught at the Faculty of Medicine; also those included in the Physician Final Examination and the Dentist Final Examination. Due to architectural solutions and innovative technologies, the Teaching Centre is well adjusted to conducting high-quality classes and lectures, also for students with disabilities.

The Faculty of Medicine provides teaching to future medical doctors, dentists and other medical specialists, conducts scientific research, developmental works, and also renders research services. The educational offer of the Faculty of Medicine is constantly changing and expanding due to changing requirements of the labour market. It also has to remain in compliance with guidelines of the Bologna Process and the National Qualification Framework.

The priority of the activity of the Faculty of Medicine is to provide the best possible educational offer, satisfying needs and requirements of interested candidates. The faculty also strives to provide the highest quality of scientific research, supports development of its employees and tightens cooperation with Polish and foreign scientific institutions, entrepreneurs and other external entities in order to build an efficient system of health care (e.g. project “Success Operation – a unique teaching model as a response to the needs of knowledge-based economy”; its objectives included a modification of teaching methods for students of the Faculty of Medicine, opening doctoral studies in cooperation with the Lodz University of Technology and organizing many training courses for academic teachers and for other health care employees).

The Faculty of Medicine makes an enormous contribution to the development of the system by promoting modern prevention and treatment standards as well as by establishing a long-lasting cooperation with institutions responsible for realization of assignments of public health on regional, national and international levels.

Of all institutions of higher education the Faculty of Medicine is currently the only scientific and teaching unit which offers second-cycle Dental Techniques studies as part of its range of services. These studies are conducted in a cooperation with the Lodz University of Technology, which allows for providing students with comprehensive education.

The Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University of Lodz aspires to the name of the leading scientific and teaching centre in Poland and abroad, whose objectives involve promotion of scientific research and development of innovative health solutions for a society facing epidemiological, social and demographic challenges.

In its daily work, the Faculty of Medicine follows traditional and culture values. It strives to maintain a high level of education and scientific research. It acts in compliance with principles of liberty and protects intellectual property. In the teaching process it respects a patient’s interest and their rights. Employees and students follow ethical standards and care about a positive image of the faculty, which constantly tries to implement standards into all aspects of its activity, promotes a development of its own resources and uses them in the best possible way.

Field of study


Studies in the field of Medicine are long-cycle studies and last 6 years (12 semesters). Students receive the degree of Medical Doctor.

Education in the field of Medicine aims at preparing its graduates to work as doctors by teaching them basic theories and principles of medical practice, communication skills and cooperation with a patient and by preparing them to supervise working teams.

The teaching programme includes pre-clinical subjects (e.g. Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, Genetics, Microbiology, Pharmacology), taught mainly in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years and clinical subjects (e.g. Internal Diseases, Surgery, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Gynaecology and Obstetrics,  Infectious Diseases), taught in the 4th, 5th and 6th years. The curriculum also involves Informatics and Biostatistics, Social Sciences (including Academic Professionalism), Humanities and English. Students are offered a wide array of optional courses so they can broaden their knowledge and stimulate interests.

Students gain practical skills during a summer holiday vocational placement.

Graduates in the field of Medicine possess knowledge and practical skills on prophylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation, essential to work as medical doctors who care about their patients and focus on their interest. Graduates have an opportunity to enrol in a post-diploma internship. After completing it they take Physician Final Examination. A positive result allows graduates to choose one of numerous specializations courses, and can apply to be accepted to post-diploma studies and doctoral studies.


Dental Medicine

Studies in the field of Dental Medicine are long-cycle studies and last 5 years (10 semesters). Students receive the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine. The teaching programme at the Division of Dentistry comprises morphological sciences (e.g. Anatomy, Histology, Cytology, Embryology), scientific basics of Medicine (e.g. Biochemistry, Physiology of the Masticatory System, Human Physiology), pre-clinical sciences (e.g. Ergonomics, Pharmacology, Dental Material Science, Pathophysiology, Pathomorphology), behavioural sciences (e.g. Sociology, Informatics, History of Philosophy, History of Medicine), general clinical sciences (e.g. Internal Diseases, Infectious Diseases, General Surgery, Oncological Surgery, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Neurology, Paediatrics, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Otolaryngology, First Aid), specialization clinical sciences (e.g. Oral Surgery, Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Endodontics, Geriatric Dentistry, Occlusion Norms and Functions of the Stomatognathic System, Orthodontics, Oral Pathology, Periodontology and Oral Mucosa Diseases, Prosthodontics, Dental Radiology, Conservative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry) as well as legal and organizational basics of Medicine (e.g. Dental Ethics, Medical Certification, Medicine and Management Law in Dentistry). Highly qualified university staff and state-of-the-art teaching equipment guarantee a high level of education.

Graduates in the field of Dental Medicine possess relevant knowledge and practical skills which allow them to:

  • diagnose the most common diseases, evaluate and describe the somatic state of a patient,
  • provide professional dental care with regards to prophylaxis and treatment as well as health promotion,
  • examine a patient and initiate comprehensive dental treatment,
  • effectively communicate with a patient and their family as well as to conduct scientific research,
  • have competences necessary to supervise a dental team,
  • act in compliance with acquired clinical knowledge and respect humanitarian principles.

Graduates in the field of Dental Medicine can seek employment not only in public and non-public health care centres but also in research institutions, centres for research and development, institutions dealing with health promotion. After receiving relevant permits they can also open a dental medical practice.

Apart from pre-diploma education the Division of Dentistry also offers post-graduate training which can have a form of speciality courses, one-day conferences and attestation courses.


First-cycle Dental Techniques/Technology

Rapid development of dentistry requires a constant enhancement of professional qualifications of technicians working in this field of Medicine. Implementation of new techniques and technologies in prosthodontics, aesthetic dentistry and orthodontics is of special importance in the dental management of patients. The study in the field of Dental Techniques has been created at the University to face these needs.

The first-cycle studies in Dental Techniques last 3 years (6 semesters) and its graduates are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Dental Techniques.

The study programme includes training in:

  • Dental Techniques and Introduction to Social Sciences, Law, Finances and Management,
  • acquiring skills needed to construct fixed, removable and atypical dentures as well as orthodontic appliances designed by a prosthodontist.

The study curriculum also comprises Basics of Informatics and Biostatics, social and humanistic subjects such as Ethics, Sociology, Physical Education, and learning foreign languages. Besides,  basics of : Human Anatomy, Human  Physiology and Physiopathology, with special consideration given to the masticatory system, dental prophylaxis and oral hygiene.

Graduates in Dental Techniques, due to acquired knowledge and practical skills, are prepared to work in the profession of dental technician.


Second-cycle Dental Techniques/Technology

In 2015, the Senate of the Medical University of Lodz endorsed the interdisciplinary study in the field of second-cycle Dental Techniques carried out in cooperation with the Lodz University of Technology. The second-cycle studies in Dental Techniques last 2 years (4 semesters) and their graduates receive the degree of Master of Dental Techniques.

In the course of studies students:

  • get familiar with state-of-the-art materials and technologies used in the fabrication of prosthodontic elements,
  • get familiar with advanced methods of testing and analysing materials and technologies as well as devices used in material technology,
  • acquire knowledge of body reactions resulting from contact with medical materials,
  • acquire knowledge of Social and Humanistic Sciences, including Law, Philosophy, Physical Education, Dental Prophylaxis and Oral Hygiene as well as get familiar with certifications and accreditations and improve specialist language skills.

Thanks to their acquired knowledge and practical skills, graduates of second-cycle Dental Technology are well prepared to work in the dental technician profession.


Scientific and student achievements

The Faculty of Medicine possesses scientific category A for conferring scientific titles and degrees on medical graduates in Medicine, Dental Medicine and Medical Biology.

The Faculty units participate in significant international scientific projects, such as the Healthy Ageing Research Centre (HARC), 7th Framework Project, the Second Activity Programme of Health Activities, the Polish-Swiss Scientific Fund, projects financed or co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Foundation for Polish Science, the National Science Centre and the National Centre for Research and Development.

Teaching and research staff members of the Faculty of Medicine are winners of a number of national awards (granted by the Minister of Health, the Marshal of the Lodz Region, the Foundation for Polish Science, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Polish Academy of Sciences, the President of the Republic of Poland, the Polish Scientific Society and many specialist societies) as well as international awards (UEG Rising Star Award 2016, International Jury of IENA, L’Oreal for Women and Science and UNESCO),

Students of the Faculty of Medicine have won Diamond Grants granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Medical University of Lodz grants, Iuventus Plus, or NCN PRELUDIUM. They win prizes at national and international students conferences and develop their skills and knowledge in numerous student scientific groups, which include:

Student Scientific Group of Laryngological Immunobiology
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Endocrine and Bone Metabolism Disorders
Student Scientific Group of Neurosurgeons
Student Scientific Group of Internal Diseases, Asthma and Allergy
Student Scientific Group of Forensic Medicine
Student Scientific Group at the Chair of Anatomy
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Paediatric Surgery and Oncology
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Oncological Surgery
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Paediatrics, Cardiology and Immunology of the Developmental Age
Student Scientific Group of Psychodermatology
Student Scientific Group of Ophthalmology
Student Scientific Group of General and Endocrinological Surgery
Student Scientific Group of Infective Immunology
Student Scientific Group of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Student Scientific Group at the 1st Chair of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Immunology, Rheumatology and Allergy
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Paediatric Cardiology and Rheumatology
Student Scientific Group of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Dream Medicine and Metabolic Disorders
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Gross Anatomy
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Paediatric Internal Medicine and Allergology
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Paediatrics, Oncology, Haematology and Diabetology
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Otolaryngology and Oncological Laryngology of the 1st Chair of Otolaryngology
Student Scientific Group of Gastroenterology
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Developmental Age Dentistry
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Endodontics
Student Scientific Group at the Department of Conservative Dentistry


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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