Research & Development

Research & Development

Medical University of Lodz is one of the leading research centres in Poland. Over 100 various scientific projects are completed and numerous scientific agreements are signed every year. MUL is a leader in research into immunology, molecular biology, genetics, oncology  and endocrinology. One of the strategic areas of MUL scientific development involves civilization diseases: neoplastic, metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory as well as innovations in the field of healthy lifestyle and active ageing.

Medical University of Lodz is constantly increasing its potential in winning grants for basic research as well as research and development projects. Since 2008 MUL research teams have received numerous grants for research and development schemes several of which have eventually been commercialised as sold licences, granted European and American patents as well as start-ups and spin-offs.

Medical University of Lodz conducts research in a variety of fields pertaining to clinical medicine and medical biotechnology. What becomes commercialised is primarily solutions related to the development of new drugs, active substances, adjuvant therapies in chronic diseases and recommendations of telemetric solutions in prevention and therapy.

The potential of young researchers is a tremendous asset to MUL. The University supports internal initiatives and helps young researchers develop their career by providing them with access to most effective research teams and offering financial support for paper publications, but also by grants, protection and promotion of their intellectual value. MUL research leaders include the recipients of Diamond Grants, Student Nobel Prize, Innovation Brokers and the winners of prestigious contests and plebiscites. High scientific rank of the University is also maintained by the students who are scientifically highly active and join research and development projects within the framework of Students Science Society.

Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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