Research & Development

Research at MUL

Medical University of Lodz, the leading medical university in Poland, employs 1.600 teaching and research staff, including 170 full professors, 190 assistant and associate professors and  nearly 900 PhD academics. Currently about 9.500 Polish students follow courses in 16 medical and medicine-related disciplines, at five faculties: Medicine and Dentistry; Pharmacy and Cosmetology; Health Sciences, Midwifery and Nursing; Biomedical Sciences; and Military Medicine. 750 foreigners study medicine and dentistry in English.

Full spectrum of medical services is available in 108 clinics based across three teaching hospitals: Barlicki University Hospital, Central Clinical Hospital with its Military Veterans’ Hospital. In these, there are 1900 hospital test beds and 1850 clinicians currently being employed. Number of patients accounts to approximately 86 000 annually. There are further 28 University clinics with 945 test beds located in other non-academic municipal hospitals. The total number of oncological test beds amounts to 300.

Some of the more interesting MUL laboratories include:

Central Science Laboratory ( provides a wide range of laboratory instrumentation for the research in the biology, medicine and biotechnology, genomics and proteomics.

BioBank initiatedin HARC (REGPOT,FP7) project: and collecting biosamples from MUL activty

OncoLab – provides state-of-the-art diagnostics based on molecular biology and molecular genetics.

DynamoLab – a highly specialized centre conducting comprehensive analysis of body movement, and of muscle activity in mobile technology with wireless transmission system

3D Anthropometry Laboratory that offers a comprehensive analysis of the composition of the patient’s body using modern measurement techniques.

MUL has the capacity to support innovation with its Knowledge and Innovation Hub – dedicated spaces to support students, researchers and innovators to launch their business ideas: start-up incubator, knowledge center, projects office and Technology Transfer Office in one.

In 2013 MUL set off to transform its operational model in education, research and clinical treatment with applying IBM BPM technology across over 50 departments, 4 hospitals and partnering organisations. Moving ahead with disruptive edge of IBM technology, University is now reshaping its focus from operational level into applying IBM technologies to improve and optimize over 300 life-saving processes in domain of R&D, public health and clinical treatment. While MUL is using BPM methodology to cover different aspects of its activities, business processes may by applied also for bioinformatics, data mining, e-health and m-health.

The vision of the university development is being realized in compliance with the Development Strategy of the Medical University of Lodz for the period 2015 – 2020, initially developed in collaboration and under the guidance of Ernst and Young consulting.

MUL undertakes extensive basic and applied research in broad national and international collaboration. The University is currently implementing 85 Polish national research grants (total value of 46 m PLN, i.e. approximately 11 m EUR) and 13 ESIF projects ( 48 mln PLN, over 10 m EUR). The leading areas of research activities are immunology, molecular biology, genetics, oncology and endocrinology. Civilisation diseases such as cancer, metabolic diseases, cardio-vascular diseases and pulmonary diseases, are among strategic fields of scientific development as well as of innovation for healthy and active ageing. Three main MUL activities in this respect include:

Healthy Ageing Research Centre (HARC; project funded under the RegPot scheme of 7FP in the years 2013-2016.

Participation in the EIT Health ( – the Knowledge and Innovation Community that tackles the future challenges of healthcare dedicated to the ageing society based on practical approach to the Knowledge Triangle.

Participation in LODZ4GENERATIONS – a two-star EIP on AHA reference site, consolidating  the activities of MUL, City of Lodz, Lodzkie Region, Barlicki Hospital and two industrial partners  with the aim of sharing knowledge and resources for innovation.

Medical University of Lodz has successfully coordinated or participated in 57 international initiatives, with 11 EIT Health projects, including 3 coordinations, 4 projects in H2020, and 2 in the 3rd Health Programme of EU. MUL was also involved in the implementation of international projects within the 6th Framework Programme and has been continuing the realisation of projects aiming at active and healthy ageing under 7th Framework Programme with the topics related to among other resistance against antibiotics, psychology, allergy, diagnosis and prognosis of chronic diseases and cancer. Moreover, MUL cooperates with prominent universities: Oxford University, Heidelberg University, Karolinska Institutet and highly innovative companies such as: GE Healthcare, Roche, Siemens, Philips.

Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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