Studies in Polish

Faculty of Pharmacy

It was opened in 1945 under a resolution of the Minister of Education, as a unit of the University of Lodz. In 1947, together with the Faculty of Medicine,  it was incorporated into the newly created Medical Academy. Since 2002 the Faculty of Pharmacy has been an organizational unit within the Medical University of Lodz. In 1997 the Division of Medical Analytics was opened at the Faculty of Pharmacy. In 1998 it changed its name into the Division of Laboratory Medicine. In 1996 Higher Vocational Cosmetological Studies were launched and in 2004 they were transformed into the Division of Cosmetology.

Each year 1,200 students start their studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy.



Studies in the field of Pharmacy last 11 semesters. The last semester, that is half a year, is devoted to a pre-diploma internship. During the first years of studies students gain general knowledge. The subjects include e.g. biomedical, humanistic and physicochemical basics of Pharmacy. In the 3rd, 4th and 5th years students focus on major-oriented education. Throughout the whole period of education students can expand their knowledge by choosing optional university courses. The 10th semester is spent on writing a Master’s thesis. After obtaining all required credits, passing the Master’s exam and completing a vocational internship the graduate receives the Master’s degree in Pharmacy and a licence to practise a profession.

Laboratory Medicine

Laboratory Medicine studies last 10 semesters. During the first two years students acquire knowledge on Chemistry, Biochemistry and Medicine. Further years are devoted to major-oriented education, i.e. to gaining knowledge on General Pathology, Clinical Biochemistry, Laboratory Haematology, Microbiology, Toxicology, Serology of Blood Groups, Isotopic Diagnostics and Laboratory Diagnostics. Students also get familiar with information on basic clinical subjects, such as Internal Diseases or Paediatric Diseases. In the final semester students focus on writing their Master’s theses. After obtaining all required credits and passing the Master’s exam a student receives the Master’s degree. A graduate in Laboratory Medicine is prepared to work in centres rendering laboratory services, blood donation centres or sanitary and epidemiological stations.


At the Faculty of Pharmacy students can obtain a degree of Bachelor or Master. The studies last 6 and 4 semesters, respectively. The teaching programme comprises subjects regarding basics of Cosmetology but also general knowledge subjects. The basic subjects include: Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry of Cosmetic Raw Materials, Histology. In further years of studies, students focus on major-oriented education and they become familiar with specialist subjects such as Cosmetology, Physiotherapy, Technology of the Forms of Cosmetics, Dermatology, Immunology and Allergology. The teaching programme also comprises vocational training in beauty salons. Cosmetology graduates are prepared for work in  reputable beauty parlours and cosmetic companies.

Scientific and student achievements

Apart from teaching, faculty employees also conduct scientific studies. A number of articles published in scientific journals proves the fact that the research activity is highly effective. Academics and students actively participate in national and international scientific conferences. The Faculty of Pharmacy is a place of activity for student organizations. The most active is Young Pharmacy, which is also a Student Section of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society. It currently has 130 members.  Young Pharmacy is a part of the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) and the European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (EPSA). Within its operation its members cooperate with the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) Poland, the Lodz Society for Laboratory Medicine Students, the Students’ Scientific Society at the Medical University of Lodz, the Student Government, the European Law Student Association, the Office of Career Services PROFIL, but foremost, with other branches of Young Pharmacy. As a part of its activity Young Pharmacy organizes events during which it promotes disease prevention for patients, meetings and events for students, conferences and contests. Due to its membership in international organizations, Young Pharmacy arranges vocational placement abroad, so called Students’ Exchange Programme. Each year members of Young Pharmacy go abroad to do their vocational training in pharmacies, apothecaries, at universities or in industry. At the same time foreign students come to our place.

Post-graduate training

The Division of Post-graduate Training of the Faculty of Pharmacy offers post-diploma training for graduates in pharmaceutical studies, laboratory analysts and graduates in other study fields, interested in developing their knowledge. The Office of the Division of Post-graduate Training organizes speciality courses for pharmacists on Apothecary Pharmacy and continuous training, including courses with the use of e-learning platform.  We run speciality courses for laboratory diagnosticians on Medical Laboratory Genetics, Medical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical Microbiology, Medical Laboratory Transfusiology, Medical Laboratory Toxicology. We provide training on Toxicology and Radiopharmacy, also to non-medical professionals. We also offer post-diploma studies, called Medical Pharmacy and New Trends of Modern Cosmetology. Lectures and classes are conducted by the best university academic teachers and outstanding specialists.

Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
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REGON 473 073 308

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