
Honorary doctorates

Honorary doctorates are special academic distinctions awarded to individuals whose personal and professional achievements over the years have made an invaluable contribution to the University, to their discipline or to society at large.

For more information on how recipients are chosen, please contact Rector’s Office (email: rector@umed.lodz.pl; +48 42 272 58 03)

Medical Academy of Lodz

1952 r. Bronisław Jerzy SABAT doktor medycyny i filozofii, twórca rentgenokimografii

PhD in Medicine and Philosophy, the author of roentgenkymography

1958 r. Witold Eugeniusz ORŁOWSKI MD, PhD, full professor of Warsaw Medical Academy, the founder of Department of Physiopthology and Biochemistry of the Clinic of Internal Medicine.
1970 r. Tadeusz KOTARBIŃSKI PhD in Phylosophy, philosopher, logician, praxeologist,  pioneer and co-author of praxeology
1970 r. Marian Stanisław STEFANOWSKI MD, profesor zwyczajny, rektor Akademii Medycznej w Łodzi

full Professor, Rector of Medical Academy of Lodz

1975 r. Zofia JERZMANOWSKA PhD in Chemistry, full professor of Medical Academy of Lodz, chemist, pharmacist
1975 r. Eufemiusz Józef HERMAN MD, PhD, full professor of Medical Academy of Lodz, neurologist
1975 r. Tadeusz Ewaryst PAWLIKOWSKI MD, PhD, full professor, Rector of Medical Academy of Lodz, endocrinologist, community worker and humanist
1975 r. Jarosław PROKOPEC MD, PhD, professor of nuclear medicine, Minister of Health of the People’s Czech Republic
1975 r. Aleksander PRUSZCZYŃSKI MD, PhD, author of numerous works on pathological anatomy, oncology and cytochemistry
1977 r. Wiktor DEGA MD, PhD, orthopaedic surgeon, the author of new surgery and treatment methods
1977 r Martin M. CUMMINGS Professor, MD, PhD, eminent specialist in health informatics, Director of National Library of Medicine in Bethesda (USA)
1978 r. Wacław MARKERT Full professor, founder and Editor-in-Chief of Folia Medica Lodiensia, high state distinctions holder
1979 r. Tadeusz LIPIEC PhD in Philosophy, Vice-Rector of Medical Academy of Lodz
1979 r. Ulf von EULER MD, PhD, physiologist, professor of  physiology at Royal Caroline Institute, Nobel Prize winner in 1970
1979 r. Manfred BLEULER Head of the Chair of Psychiatry at University of Zurich, Director of the University Psychiatric Clinic at Burghölzli
1980 r. Witold RUDOWSKI MD, PhD, assistant professor, full professor, surgeon, Director of Institute of Haematology in Warsaw
1981 r. Leonard KUCZYŃSKI Assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, chemist, full professor, Rector of Medical Academy in Wroclaw
1984 r. André DELMAS Professor, MD, PhD, anatomist, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Sainte- Péres in Paris
1984 r. Bronisław FILIPOWICZ PhD in Philosophy, biochemist, Doctor of Philosophy of Warsaw University, organiser and head of the Chair of Biochemistry at Medical Academy of Lodz
1985 r. Maksym NIKONOROW PhD in Pharmacy, full professor of bromatology and toxicology, author of food toxicology
1989 r. Aleksander WEJN MD, PhD, leading Russian neurologist specialising in sleep and autonomic system pathologies, i.a. headaches
1989 r. Walter RIED Full professor of chemistry of the Institute of Organic Chemistry at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, prominent chemist, precursor of new research methods in analysis of organic compounds structure
1990 r Russel J. REITER Professor of neuro endocrinology at Department of Cell and Structural Biology, Medical Centre of University of Texas in San Antonio (USA)
1990 r. Bela HALASZ MD, PhD, professor of anatomy, histology and embryology at Semmelweis University in Budapest (Hungary), von Euler Award winner
1991 r. Horst STOECKEL MD, PhD, professor of anaesthesiology of the University of Bonn, author of many papers on anaesthesiology
1994 r. Jerzy BRZEZIŃSKI MD, PhD, professor of neurology of Medical Academy of Lodz, author of Lodz School of Neurosurgery, greatly contributed to the development of neurotraumatology, neuroanaesthesiology and neuroradiology
1995 r. Dennis V. PARKE Biochemist, toxicologist and pathologist, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry at the University of Surrey in Guildford (UK)
1995 r. D. Carleton GAJDUŠEK PhD in Medicine and Philosophy, microbiologist, Director of the Laboratory for CNS Research NINDS, NIH in Bethesda (USA), Nobel Prize winner in 1976 for discoveries in neuropathology and virology
1995 r Paul ZECH Profesor, nefrolog Uniwersytetu Claude Bernard w Lyonie (Francja)

Professor, nephrologist at Claude Bernard University in Lyon (France)

1996 r. Leszek WOŹNIAK MD, PhD, pathomorphologist, oncologist, first democratically elected Rector of Medical Academy of Lodz
1997 r. Antoni PRUSIŃSKI MD, PhD, professor of neurology, Head of the Chair of Neurology of Medical Academy of Lodz, author of the first Migraine Treatment Centre in Eastern Europe
1999 r. Louis-Marc PATRICOT Director of University Clinical Centre in Lyon, Professor of Claude Bernard University in Lyon (France)
1999 r. Marc DECHAVANNE Rector of Claude Bernard University in Lyon (France), scientific supervisor of Laboratory of Haematology in Edouard Herriot Hospital and Cardiac and Pulmonary Disease Hospital in Lyon
1999 r. Maria OLSZEWSKA Biologist, professor at the Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, University of Lodz, Head of the Chair of Plant Cytology and Cytochemistry at University of Lodz
2000 r. Cedric Stuart RAINE Zoologist, neuropathologist, professor of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, one of the best electron microscopists in the world, author of a new scientific discipline- neuroimmunology
2001 r. Zbigniew PUCHALSKI MD, PhD, full professor, specialist in general surgery, endocrinological surgery, pathophysiology, Rector of Medical Academy in Bialystok

Military Medical Academy of Lodz

1973 r. Gen. bryg. prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Marian Mieczysław GARLICKI MD, full professor of Medical Academy of Warsaw, Rector of Military Medical Academy in 1958-1965, surgeon, orthopaedic and traumatology specialist
1973 r. Prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Marian Stanisław STEFANOWSKI MD, full professor emeritus of Medical Academy of Lodz and its Rector for many years, co-founder of Military Medical Academy, surgeon and educator.
1975 r. Ppłk w st. spocz. prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Antoni FALKIEWICZ MD, full professor emeritus of Medical Academy of Wroclaw, senior specialist in Polish internal medicine.
1975 r. Ppłk. w st. spocz. prof. zw. dr med. Mieczysław KĘDRA MD, PhD, full professor of Medical Academy in Lublin, former main internal medicine specialist in Polish Army, established clinician-cardiologist, scholar and academic teacher.
1976 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Witold ZAWADOWSKI Full professor emeritus of Medical Academy of Warsaw, co-author of Polish radiology, estimable academic teacher and scholar.
1976 r. Kmdr prof. dr hab. n. med. Augustyn DOLATKOWSKI MD, associate professor emeritus of Military Medical Academy, pioneer in military maritime medicine.
1978 r. Gen. bryg. prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Dymitr ALEKSANDROW National member of Polish Academy of Sciences, co-author of Warsaw School of Cardiology, the first commandant of Postgraduate Training Institute of Military Medical Academy in Warsaw
1978 r. Gen.-Płk prof. dr hab. n. med. Mikołaj Genadijewicz IWANOW Corresponding member of Academy of Medical Sciences in USSR, commandant of Military Medical Academy in Saint Petersburg, academic teacher- specialist in military service organisation and tactics.
1978 r. Prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Jan Karol KOSTRZEWSKI Top specialist in epidemiology and infectious diseases, precursor of health education, national member of Polish Academy of Sciences
1981 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Stanisław Aleksander POKRZYWNICKI Full professor of Postgraduate Training Centre, Military Medical Academy in Warsaw, co-author of Polish school of anaesthesiology, prominent specialist doctor, scholar and academic teacher in anaesthesiology and intensive medical care.
1983 r Gen. bryg. prof. zw. dr n. med. Wiesław ŁASIŃSKI Full professor of Military Medical Academy, former Rector of Military Medical Academy in Lodz and Medical Academy in Gdansk, outstanding doctor and anatomist.
1983 r. Gen. – płk prof. dr n. med. Fiodor Iwanowicz KOMAROW Professor of Moscow Sechenov Medical Institute, Chief Medical Office at USSR Ministry of Defence, internal medicine specialist, educator, organiser.
1986 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. zw. dr n. med. Jan LEŃKO Head of the Urology Clinic, Medical Academy in Cracow, co-founder of Military Medical Academy, its first Vice-rector for research and first commandant of Surgery Institute of Military Medical Academy, former Chief Urologist of Polish Armed Forces.
1986 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. dr n. med. Jan PRUSZYŃSKI Chief Surgeon of Polish Armed Forces, Head of the Chair and Clinic of Surgery, Military Medical Academy, pioneer in new cardiosurgery techniques, the author of the school of torakosurgery in military health care.
1988 r. Gen. – por. prof. dr n. med. Hans Rudolf GESTEWITZ Commandant of Military Medical Academy of former National People’s Army (former German Democratic Republic) in Bad Saarow, professor of otolaryngology, lieutenant general at medical service, specialist in military-medical certification.
1989 r. Prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Witold Janusz RUDOWSKI Professor and multiannual head of Surgery Clinic of Haematology Institute in Warsaw, national member of Polish Academy of Sciences, former president of Association of Polish Surgeons, surgeon and transfusion medicine specialist, doctor honoris causa of Medical Academy in Poznan, Warsaw, Lodz and Wroclaw as well as Edinburgh University.
1990 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. n. med. Jan Andrzej CHOMICZEWSKI Former Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Head of Chair and Department of Medical Microbiology, Military Medical Academy, professor of microbiology and epidemiology, former president of executive committee of Polish Society of Microbiologists.
1992 r. Prof. dr med. Peter Kynaston THOMAS Professor of neurology in London and Queen Square national hospital, honorary member of Polish Society of Neurology, collaborator in the Clinic of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Military Medical Academy in Lodz.
1992 r. Gen. dyw. prof. dr n. med. Enrique MENDEZ jr Former deputy doctor of United States Army, assistant Secretary of Defence for Health Affairs under George Bush (senior) presidency, specialist on military health care organisation in internal medicine, surgery and infectious diseases under field conditions.
1998 r. Gen. bryg. w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. n. med. Władysław TKACZEWSKI Former Rector of Military Medical Academy, full professor of medical sciences (cardiologist and gastroenterologist), top clinician, educator and organiser, doctor honoris causa of Military Medical Academy in Saint Petersburg in 1988.
1998 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. n. med. Sylwester CZAPLICKI Former commandant of Postgraduate Training Centre, Military Medical Academy in Warsaw, former Chief Internal Medicine Doctor of Polish Armed Forces, full professor of medical sciences, cardiologist and researcher in electro- and radio diagnostic methods in cardiology.
1999 r. Płk prof. dr hab. n. med. Josef FUSEK Vice-rector of Military Medical Academy in Hradec Kralove, its former Rector, professor of pharmacology, specialist in toxicology, member of Scientific Board of Charles University in Prague and University in Hradec Kralove, representative of Czech military health care in NATO
1999 r Płk w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. n. med. Stanisław Ludwik BARAŃSKI Former multiannual commandant of Military Institute of Aviation Medicine in Warsaw, member of International Academy of Aeronautics and New York Academy of Sciences, specialist in cytophysiology, aviation and space medicine.
1999 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. n. med. Jan Roman HAFTEK Head of the Clinic of Nervous System Injuries in Rehabilitation Centre in Konstancin, former Head of Neurosurgery Clinic, Military Medical Academy in Lodz, Board Member of European Association of Neurosurgical Societies and Committee of Neurosurgical Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences.
2000 r. Gen. dyw. prof. Antonin SEIGNEURIC General Inspector of Military Health Care and Commandant of School of Army Health in Lyon, specialist in Aviation Medicine and Cardiology, the initiator of the cooperation between French and Polish military health care, Medical Universities of Lyon and Lodz in particular.
2001 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. n. med. Leszek Cieciura Member of Polish Academy of Sciences, former Vice-rector for Research, Military Medical Academy, multiannual Head of Department of Histology and Embryology, Military Medical Academy, pioneer in electron microscopy research, the first doctor of medicine promoted by Board of Faculty of Medicine, Military Medical Academy.
2001 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. n. med. Zofia Wanda KRAWCZYK Former multiannual Head of Institute of Sensory Organs and Ophthalmology Clinic, Military Medical Academy, scientist and clinician in ophthalmology, especially in neuroophthalmology, ophthalmology trauma and blood circulation disturbances in retina and choroidea, eminent educator.
2001 r. Prof. zw. dr hab. n. med. Kornel Stanisłwa GIBIŃSKI Former Vice-Rector for Research Silesia Medical Academy in Katowice and multiannual of its Clinics: Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, member of Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Learning, Main Council of Higher Education and Central Qualifying Commission for Degrees and Titles, doctor honoris causa of five universities, including Military Medical Academy in 2001, internal medicine specialist, gastroenterologist, ethicist.
2002 r Płk w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. n. med. Zdzisław RUSZCZAK Member of Polish Academy of Sciences, Chief Dermatologist of Polish Armed Forces, former Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs and Chairman of Clinical Chairs Board, multiannual Head of the Chair and Clinic of Dermatology of Military Medical Academy, researcher, clinician and educator.
2002 r. Płk w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. n. med. Kazimierz TRZNADEL Member of Polish Academy of Sciences, Main Council of Higher Education, Chief Toxicologist of Polish Armed Forces, former Dean and promotor for clinical affairs, the Head of Internal Diseases Clinic, Military Medical Academy, researcher, clinician and educator especially in internal medicine, nephrology and toxicology.

Medical University of Lodz

2002 Prof. Longin Marianowski MD, full professor of Medical Academy of Warsaw, Head of the Chair and Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Medical Academy of Warsaw, former Dean of  Medical Academy of Warsaw, gynaecologist- obstetrician, editor and reviewer of numerous specialist journals, author of „Birth is my specialty”, awarded Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, involved in cooperation with Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital in Lodz.
2002 Prof. Aaron Polliack Professor of Hadassah University in Jerusalem, haematologist, oncologist, specialist in diagnostics and treatment of leukemias and lymphomas, discoverer of genetic anomalies  related to leukemias development, founder and science editor of  Leukemia and Lymphoma,Head of Haematology Clinic of  Hadassah University in Jerusalem.
2003 Prof. Victor Warren Fazio Professor of Medicine, oncology surgeon, gastroenterologist, for 25 years -Head of Collateral Surgery Clinic and Deputy Director of the Institute of Surgery in Cleveland, Ohio, President of the Institute of Digestive Diseases in  Cleveland Clinic, Chairman of American Bard of Colon and Recital Surgery and American Society of Colon and Recital Surgeons, winner of i.a.: the Cleveland Clinic Master Clinician Award, the Al and Norma Lerner Humanitarian Award, Premier Physician Award, holder of the Order of Australia, awarded the title of the best surgeon in USA (American Health Magazine); died in 2015.
2003 Prof. Antoni Gabryelewicz MD, full professor of Medical Academy in Bialystok, multiannual Head of Gastroenterology Clinic of  Medical Academy in Bialystok, surgeon, gastroenterologist, pancreatologist, former Dean of  Medical Academy in Bialystok and former  President of Polish Society of Gastroenterology, winner of 1st Degree Award of the Minister of Health and the Rector of Medical Academy, awarded the Badge for exemplary work in health care and Medal of National Education, died in 2010.
2003 Prof. Andrzej Szczeklik MD, Professor and Rector of Medical Academy in Cracow, Head of Internal Diseases Clinic of Jagiellonian University, eminent doctor, internal medicine specialist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, researcher, scholar, writer, pianist, editor and main author of „Szczeklik Internal Medicine” and „Practical Medicne”,discoverer of genetic backgrounds of bronchial asthma (rewarded by The Lancet); awarded  Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and Ecce Homo Order, Totus Award, member of Faculty of 1000 Medicine, died in 2012.
2004 Prof. Franciszek Kokot Professor of Medical Sciences, Rector of Silesian Medical Academy, professor and head of the Chair and Clinic of Nephrology, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Silesian Medical Academy in Katowice, member of Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Learning, nephrologist, endocrinologist, recipient of Knight’s Cross, Commander’s Cross and Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
2004 Prof. Hendrik Timmerman Professor of pharmacochemistry of Faculty of Chemistry and the Head of Pharmachochemistry Department of Vrije University in Amsterdam, Director for Scientific Research in Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, Amsterdam.
2004 Prof. Herbert Budka Director of  Institute of Neurology, University in  Vienna, professor of Institute of Neuropathology of University Hospital in Zurich, neurologist, psychiatrist, neuropathologist and neurobiologist.
2005 Prof. Andrzej K. Tarkowski Professor of Warsaw University, embryologist, photographer,  awarded Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Japanese Award, Foundation for Polish Science Award and Albert Brecht Award of Belgian Royal Academy.
2005 Prof. Ryszard Gryglewski Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Medical Academy in Cracow, head of the Chair of Pharmacology, co-discoverer of prostacyclin, Rector of Medical Academy in Cracow, recipient of  Foundation for Polish Science Award, Gloria Medicine and Medicus Magnus Title,  Commander’s Cross and Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, clinician-pharmacologist.
2005 Prof. Miriam Katz Professor of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Vice-Dean of the Department of Health Sciences and Head of the Clinic of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Soroka Medical Centre Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, founder of  Placental Research Laboratory.
2005 Prof. Paul Kleihues Professor at Neuropathology Department of the Institute of Neuropathology, University in Zurich, neuropathologist, neurosurgeon, recipient of i.a. Gold Medal of the French League Against Cancer and the award for clinical research of European Federation of Associations for Research on Cancer.
2006 Prof. Eberhard Nieschlag Professor of medical sciences, founder and director of Institute of Reproductive Medicine, University in Munster, endocrinologist, clinical andrologist, winner of i.a. British Endocrine Society Medal, Clinical Endocrinology Trust Medal and Ernst-Jung Prize in Medicine.
2006 Prof. Edward F. Plow Professor of Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, director of  Molecular Cardiology Department of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, biologist, biochemist, winner of i.a. Investigator Recognition Award for Contribution in Hemostasis, Distinguished Career Award, Scientific Achievement Award in Basic Science.
2006 Prof. Karel Lewit Professor of Neurology Clinic of Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education in Prague, lecturer of Charles University in Prague, author of the best textbook of manual medicine in the world, neurologist, died in 2014
2006 Prof. Ilpo Huhtaniemi Professor and Head of Research Team of Reproductive Biology of the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology at Imperial College in London, chemist, molecular endocrinologist.
2007 Prof. Tadeusz Tołłoczko Full Professor of Medical Academy in Warsaw, Head of Clinic of Surgery, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Medical Academy of Warsaw, Rector of the Medical Academy of Warsaw  in 1990-1996, endocrinology surgeon, transplantologist, multiple awards: Silver and Gold Cross of Merit, Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Gloria Medicinae Medal and Ministry of National Education Medal.
2007 Prof. Josephine Arendt Professor of endocrinology of University of Surrey in Guildford in Great Britain, founder of Chronobiology Centre, awarded i.a. St. Gorans Hospital Medal, Medal of Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Ernst & Berta Scharrer Prize, biochemist, endocrinologist.
2007 Prof. Maciej Gembicki Professor of Medical Academy in Poznan, multiannual Head of  Clinic of Endocrinology of the Institute Of Internal Medicine Medical Academy of Poznan, lawyer, internal medicine specialist, endocrinologist, specialist in nuclear medicine.
2007 Prof. Peter G. Fedor-Freybergh Professor of psychology, prenatal and perinatal medicine, Head of the Chair of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Social Sciences  of the University of Health and Social Sciences in Bratislava, Coordinator  for Science and Research at1st Faculty of Medicine  of Charles University in Prague, psychiatrist, child psychiatrist, gynaecologist-obstetrician
2007 Prof. Marek Pawlikowski Professor of the Clinic of Endocrinology of the University Clinical Hospital in Lodz, Rector of Medical Academy of  Silezia in 1987-1990, neuroendocrinologist.
2007 Prof. Marek Edelman Multiannual head of the Intensive Care Unit of Pirogow Hospital, political and social activist, cardiologist, on of the leaders in Warsaw ghetto uprising, recipient of Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Order of The Cross of Grunwald, Order of the White Eagle and Honorary Citizenship of Lodz.
2007 Prof. Teofan Domżał Professor of medicine of Military Medical Academy in Warsaw, multiannual head of the Clinic of Neurology of Central Clinical Hospital Military Medical Academy of Warsaw, neurologist.
2007 Prof. Andrzej Bartke Director of the Institute of Geriatric Medicine, University of South Illinois in Springfield, zoologist, biologist, outstanding scientist, his scope of interest included i.a. endocrinology of reproduction and ageing, longevity.
2008 Prof. Andrzej Kurnatowski Professor of Medical Academy of Lodz, pathomorphologist, experimental oncologist, former Dean and Rector of Medical Academy in Lodz, recipient of Knight’s Cross and Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Honoured Doctor and Teacher of Polish People’s Republic, winner of the City of Lodz award
2008 Prof. Robert H. Jones Professor of University Medical Centre in Durham in South Carolina, professor of surgery, radiology, cardiologist, ambassador of American science, book editor.
2008 Prof. Felipe Casanueva Freijo Professor of the University in Santiago de Compostella, PhD in biological and medical sciences, specialist in endocrinology and nourishment, winner of Geoffrey Harris Award, head of The Endocrinology Unit of the University Hospital in Santiago de Compostella.
2008 Prof. Jerzy A.G. Vetulani Professor of natural sciences of Jagiellonian University, biochemists, biologist, neuro psychopharmacologist, founder and head of  Biochemistry  Department of the institute of Pharmacology , Polish Academy of Sciences, winner of Golden Cross of Merit and Knight’s Cross of The Order of Polonia Restituta, Anna-Minika Prize, editor-in-chief of „Wszechświat”.
2008 Prof. Stanisław J. Konturek Professor of medical sciences, emeritus professor of the Chair of Physiology Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University, physiologist, gastroenterologist, former Vice-rector of Jagiellonian University, member of Polish Academy of Sciences, recipient of Knight’s and Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Golden Cross of Merit and Medal of Commission of  National Education  Medal, winner of The Town of Cracow Prize and Laur Jagielloński Diploma.
2009 Prof. Michael Katz Professor of paediatrics of the University of Pennsylvania, Professor of tropical medicine and professor at Columbia University in New York, clinical virologist, paediatrician,  specialist in tropical diseases, in cooperation with the Department of Diagnostics and Prevention of Congenital Defects, Medical University of Lodz.
2011 Prof. Thomas Slaga Professor of Pharmacology, Director of the Institute of Pharmacology (University of Texas Health Science Centre San Antonio, USA), biologist, researcher in chemical cancerogenesis.
2011 Prof. Szewach Weiss Professor of political sciences, politician, journalist, diplomat, former chairman of the Knesset an Israeli Ambassador in Poland, holder of: Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland, Bene Merito Honorary Badge,  Missio Reconciliationis, winner of Amitaia and Saint Albert rewards
2012 Prof. Aaron Ciechanover Professor and Director of  Rappaport Family Institute for Research in Medical Sciences in Technion, Noble Prize in chemistry (2004), biology, biochemist.
2013 Prof. Norman Minner Rich Professor of the School of Medicine of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), Head of Surgery Clinic, the School of Medicine of the Uniformed Services (University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland), President of North American Chapter of the International Society Cardiovascular Surgery, American Venous Forum, Eastern Vascular Society, vascular surgeon, military doctor.
2015 Prof. Ada Yonath Winner of Nobel Prize in chemistry (2009), Wolf Prize, Sklodowska-Curie Medal , professor of Weizmann Institute in Israel, director of Faculty of Structural Biology and  Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Assemblies, specialist in crystallography, biochemistry, pioneer in cryo crystallography
2023 Maria Długołęcka-Graham MD PhD Maria Długołęcka-Graham’s professional career has been associated with the University of Edinburgh for many years. She wrote 18 scientific papers, authored or co-authored 4 books, three of which pertained to Polish Faculty of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh: ‘The Polish School of Medicine and Historical Collection at the University of Edinburgh’, ‘The Rededication of The Polish School of Medicine Historical Collection at The University of Edinburgh’ and ‘Polish Faculty of Medicine in Edinburgh (1941-1949) – where Poznań doctors were educated– History, Tradition and Present Day’. Maria Długołęcka-Graham MD PhD completed numerous scholarships including the noteworthy Carnegie Scholarship in 1976, Edinburgh University/University of Illinois Exchange Students in 1976 and Kind’s Fund Scholarship in 1983. She was recognised for her activities on numerous occasion. IN Poland she was awarded: Golden Cross of Merit in 1997 and Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta in 2006
2024 Prof. Jacek Jassem Oncologist and academic teacher, professor of medical sciences, full professor of Gdańsk Medical University. He completed scholarships in Sweden and The Netherlands. He is an author of several hundred papers in national and international scientific journals, dozens of academic text books and ten patents or patent applications. He was the President of Breast Cancer Group of European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and in 1996 he took the position of the Chair of The Central and East European Oncology Group (CEEOG). He was distinguished with the title of “The Outstanding Pole” of “Teraz Polska” Foundation (for building Poland’s authority and image in the world) and the title of “Man of the Year 2009” by ’Dziennik Bałtycki’. He designed a draft law of the ban on smoking in public places in Poland for which he was awarded the title of “Leader of the Year in Health Care’ in 2011. He is also at the top of the “List of One Hundred” – the most influential people in the health care system (2014) by a monthly magazine ‘Puls Medycyny’.

Medical University of Lodz
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