
Medical Faculty at the newly-opened university

pierwsze-lata-1The University of Lodz was set up by the Decree of the Polish Cabinet Council on 24th May, 1945. Professor Kotarbiński was appointed the first Rector of the University. The first University Administration Offices were located in three rooms of the Techno-Industrial School at 115 Żeromskiego St., and later in the building of the Trade Assembly School at 68 Narutowicza St. The Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy were constituted on 27th August, 1945, by the order of the Minister of Education. Professor Zygmunt Szymanowski was appointed as the first Vice-Rector for medical faculties and joined the University authorities. Professor Wincenty Tomaszewicz became Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Jan Muszyński – Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and Professor Alfred Meissner – Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry.


Until the year 1949, Professor Eugeniusz Wilczkowski and Professor Jerzy Jakubowski were Vice-Rectors; Professor Janusz Sobański and Professor Stefan Bagiński were Deans of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Franciszek Zwierzchowski was the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, and Professor Jan Muszyński was the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy. In the first months after the establishment of the University of Lodz, chairs, departments, and laboratories necessary for the functioning of the faculties were organised, the first ones being the Department of Normal Anatomy, the Department of Histology, the Department of General and Physiological Chemistry, the Department of Pathological Anatomy, and the Department of Bacteriology. The university scientific staff was made up of scientists from Lodz, experienced academic researchers from the Eastern borderlands of the Second Republic of Poland as well as some from abroad. They all were very enthusiastic, skilful, possessed creative ideas, and soon got started with their research. Teaching was performed in poor space conditions: lectures were delivered in the theatre at Traugutta St., the hall of the Municipal Council at Pomorska St., or day rooms of factories and private pharmacies.

Classes for students of the Faculty of Dentistry were conducted in the day room of the factory at Dowborczyków St.; the Department of Oral Surgery was located at 10 Przybyszewskiego St., while the Department of Conservative Dentistry found its place at 77 Narutowicza St. In 1948, the Faculty of Dentistry moved to the old seat of the Credit Society of the City of Lodz at 21 Pomorska St. The students of the Faculty of Pharmacy studied at 3 Lindleya St., and since 1948, at 6 Lindleya St.

Source: 65 years of Medical Higher Education in Lodz by Piotr Machlański and Jerzy Supady

Medical University of Lodz
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