

Teaching Hospitals of the Medical University of Lodz

The Medical University of Lodz has established three teaching hospitals. These allow it to perform its statutory tasks concerning clinical training (undergraduate and postgraduate) and research:

University departments provide a base for teaching and research activities, together with the provision of health services. They also act in non-academic hospitals within the city premises.

Besides being multidisciplinary treatment centres, University teaching hospitals render the highest quality medical services to patients and act as educational and research institutions. The majority of their medical personnel are made up of University teaching and research staff members: physicians who not only deliver excellent care to patients but who also perform research and teaching activities and prepare the future medical personnel for a career in Medicine.

The hospital management constantly strives to improve the standards of the health services offered, both in terms of investment and the organization of particular institutions. New hospital buildings are being erected and existing hospitals modernized. Wards, outpatient clinics and diagnostic departments are continually being provided with the state-of-the-art equipment and medical apparatus. Moreover, new diagnostic and therapeutic methods are being developed and novel organizational solutions implemented to provide patients access to the highest quality medical care suitable for Medicine of the 21st century.

Our results are the fruit of the endeavours of our hospital management teams and employees. These are evidenced by both the number of accolades and certificates received by particular hospitals and our high rankings in the tables of the nationwide medical sector.


Medical University of Lodz
Al. Kościuszki 4
90-419 Łódź
NIP 725 18 43 739
REGON 473 073 308

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